⋆ Remus ⋆

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"[...] you found a large crimson spot right where your teacher's hand laid..."


Where did all that blood come from? Whose was it? Was it yours?
Did you hurt yourself without noticing it?
No, there was far too much blood for it to be you who was injured. Hell, you didn't even feel any pain!

It was his again.
You removed his hand from your shoulder and took it into both of yours to then observe the damage.

"You're bleeding again...", you noted.

There was a pretty deep cut or scratch on the palm of his hand.

"Seems like it.", Remus laughed dryly. "Must've gotten that one while blocking a blow from these poor bastards back on the glade... Sorry for dirtying your clothes, [ ]."

"That's the least of my concern now, professor! We need to bandage it somehow, or else it will get infected..."

While he was trying to convince you that he was, in fact , fine and would manage, your gaze fell down to one of your wrists.
It still had the white ribbon wrapped around it.

'This'll do', you decided and went on by removing the white strip of fabric from your underarm.

"No protesting now, Lupin. It's decided, I will help you!"

And just like that, the brown-haired man fell silent and let you do your thing.

It was not like he didn't enjoy you looking after him, treating his wounds and being so close to you!
Quite the opposite actually, but then again, he didn't want you to think he was dependent on you in a situation in which he should be giving you security.

Then again, he did find the way you so firmly told him to 'shut it', rather imposing and assertive.
It made you all the more interesting to him.


While you were covering the gash on his hand in the ribbon's fabric, you decided to strike up a small conversation. This silence between the two of you was killing you!

"H- How is your chest doing by the way? You' ve lost quite the amount of blood..."

That was when your eyes flickered up to his chest to get the first clear look at the damage done.
It wasn't all that deep, but it spanned all the way across.
Surely it would form a scar later on ... it definitely wouldn't be the first or only one there, you learned.

There were quite a lot now that you thought about it...
Not only the obvious ones on his face, but also on his chest, back, torso and arms...
New ones, fresh ones, old ones and even older ones... It wasn't ugly or repulsive though.
To you, it looked like a work of art telling his story, a witness and proof of his path of life.
The scars told a story... one of pain and internal war, but it was uniquely his story, so it was tragically beautiful ... hypnotising even.

You had to put in a lot of effort to tear away your curious and admiring eyes from his bare skin and refocus them on his richly blue ones.

"I did bleed quite a bit, didn't I? I didn't mean to scare you. I'm feeling alright /now, but overtime, my condition will improve further. This isn't my first time dealing with things like this as you can probably tell, Miss [ ]."

Lupin noticed you staring, didn't he? This was embarrassing!

"W-well,... um...yes... I suppose.."

A Werewolf with a Lion's Heart {Remus Lupin x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now