⋆ Daunting revelations / Seeking comfort ⋆

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The few hours of sleep you got were the most peaceful and relaxing thing you'd experienced in months.
Your slumber was as serene as it was dreamless and was undisturbed by any of your 'apparation mishaps' …

Well, it had been undisturbed until you felt Moony shifting in your arms followed by finding them empty.

Although you had still been asleep at this point, you had still felt his absence and faster than you knew it, you found yourself awake and tiredly scanning your surroundings for his familiar silhouette.
It wasn't morning yet and it was still dark.
Your gaze soon landed on Moony sitting crouched over nearby the 'entrance' to your little safe space.

Your gaze soon landed on Moony sitting crouched over nearby the 'entrance' to your little safe space

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What was he doing?

Groaning, you got up and drowsily shuffled over to where the werewolf sat bent over something.

You yawned.

"What is it, Moony? Is something keeping you up?"

He turned his head to look at you and as he did, you noticed something moving in front of him.

"Oh, did you find somethi- ...?"

Then you saw it: a small brown owl carrying a letter.

A letter? Now?! Here?!

You quickly untied the rolled-up parchment from the owl's foot and opened it up, as Remus, obviously wasn't able to do that with Moony's claws.

Who might the sender be?!

Upon reading the first few lines of the hurriedly scribbled letter, your eyes went wide in shock.

' Dear Remus,
the girl in your company is in grave danger. She is special as are her magical powers.
Somehow, he-who-shall-not-be-named found out about her and now his followers are in the process of raiding Hogwarts in search of her.
Do not return until another letter of mine arrives you and keep her safe.
Btw.: I know abt. it and it's alright.
The owl yields your and her wand.
Take care,

Albus Dumbledore '

Your mouth was agape.
You had SO many questions!

Before you could utter any of them though, a very faint rumbling, crumbling and crashing could be heard in the distance.


So it really was being attacked!
You were slowly but surely panicking now.

Your friends! Your sister! Your CAT!
They were all there in the castle. Stuck.

Stuck with death eaters! Stuck amidst chaos, destruction and danger!
And you were here, in a place that, now, seemed far less frightening.
This new information put everything you had endured that night into perspective: maybe this forest wasn't so bad after all…

Still, you had rather been beside the people you cared about than being forced to hide in this accursed forest.
Though you wouldn't have been able to do anything to protect them... quite the opposite actually…
Yet, apparently, you actually possessed amazing magical power... how bizarre…
Never in a million years would you have thought that…

A Werewolf with a Lion's Heart {Remus Lupin x Reader} Where stories live. Discover now