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a/n : pls, it's so fun writing myself and my class as 7th and 8th graders-
its like the beginning of middle school drama and we all know how its usually either the middle schoolers or high schoolers who get into these messes xD

also to those wondering about the highschool, pretend they have a special exam the following so they arent at school as they have been given the week off to study.

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   Nicola left the principal's office in a daze.

   What? Impossible! Then who was just in our class?

   She rushed back to class to tell them what Miss Zena had just told her. She received mixed reactions; some started laughing because of how ridiculous it was, others just exchanged concerned glances glances with each other.

   Some even started saying "Bismillah" rather loudly, but it was clear that they were disbelieving of the news.

   "Are you sure?" Narjes asked exasperatedly. "It's quite obvious Miss Marya was here like five seconds ago."

   "I know that, girl, but Miss Zena said she didn't come today. Are they both playing a trick on us or something?" The final question wasn't directed at anyone in particular. Her class shrugged.

   "It could've been a ghost, oooooooooh," Sam suddenly started imitating ghost noises. Nicola strongly recalled Draco Malfoy and the hooting sounds from the third film.

   "Oh shut it, Malfoy copycat," she droned sarcastically.

   "Who the hell is Malfoy?" Sam deadpanned. Nicola gasped dramatically and placed a hand over her heart.

   "Say what now?!"

   Narjes just facepalmed from her seat as Matilda remained asleep. Emma chose not to react and Ali seemed to be occupied with a crossword puzzle.

   "What's with the yelling?" a teacher peeked into their class. "Where's your teacher?"

   "Absent," Mohammed replied. The teacher hmm-ed.

   "Could I go to the washroom?" Nicola asked suddenly. The teacher nodded.

   "Be quick."

✦ ✦ ✦

   Nicola opened the stall door, not really expecting anything besides a toilet un-flushed.

   It had been years since she'd spotted a spider in the washrooms, so she wasn't really paranoid anymore.

   At least, until she closed the door and took some toilet paper to put on the toilet.

   Which was when she noticed a rather...not small fluffy tarantula on the wall.

   For a moment, she stared at the spider, it stared at her (probably), she stared at it, and this went on for five seconds before she opened her mouth to scream.

   She opened the door as fast as possible without going closer to the spider which was on the wall behind the toilet.

   She went to wash her hands from the door, and through the mirror, Nicola noted with horror that the spider was crawling on the toilet and across, and slowly onto the floor.

   She grabbed a napkin to open the door and when the spider started speeding up, she started screaming as she rushed to open the door.

   Running out as fast as humanely possible while muttering a million different prayers under her breath as well as screaming, she raced back to class, waving her hands and still screaming hysterically. She passed by the third graders' Science class on the way, and of course they heard her and jumped as she ran past their classroom, screaming something about a fluffy tarantula in the girls' bathrooms.

   She threw open the door to her class (the teacher had gone by then) and announced rather loudly,

   "HELP THERE WAS A GIANT SPIDER IN THE GIRLS' BATHROOM!" Her voice rose an octave when she said this.

   Everyone started, Matilda jerked awake, and the others were equally disturbed.

   No, not by the spider announcement. Because Nicola's scream practically shattered their ears.

   "Jesus, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" Mohammed exclaimed. "It's just a spider-"

   "It was a fluffy tarantula for your information!" she huffed, crossing her arms.

   "A what...?" Matilda asked sleepily. "Aren't there like no tarantulas in Canada?"

   "Wait actually?"


   A knock was heard on their classroom door.

   "Come in," Mohammed drawled. The door opened and a confused yet slightly furious Miss Eve entered.

   "Nicola, could I speak to you outside?"

   Nicola stared at Narjes and Matilda, wondering what she could have possibly done. I mean, it wasn't like she had screamed like her hijab was on fire just two seconds previously.

   She followed Ms Eve outside the classroom, and the first thing that 'greeted' her ears was the sound of a lecture.

   "Nicola, do you have any idea the scare you gave us when you screamed?" she reprimanded sternly. Nicola blinked.

   "Sorry," she blurted out, rather bluntly.

   "Do not do it again, you disturbed many classes as well. Whatever caused it?"

   Nicola thought back to the fluffy tarantula in the girls' bathroom. She should probably say something before one of the grade six students went in there and got 'greeted' by the spider.

   "There's a fluffy tarantula in the third stall from the left in the older girls' washrooms," she told her. Ms Eve looked skeptical.

   "Tarantula? I'll keep that in mind," she hmm-ed. "Now head back inside and wait for your teacher."

   Nicola nodded and went back inside. Ms Zena still hadn't arrived, so the students were whispering quietly among themselves. As soon as Ms Eve left, the loud chatter resumed.

   Now watch Ms Zena walk in and all of them pretend that they were waiting quietly and patiently, she thought in amusement.

   But Ms Zena never did come.

   Five minutes.

   Ten minutes.

   Twenty minutes.



: P

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