Chapter One

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“Dear Thomas,

So this is my first letter I have written in a while. My apologies if it’s bad. It’s been so long that I have actually talked to someone this way. Do you write letters normally? It’s really great to know that someone is old fashioned like this. Like myself, to be honest.

Well, I guess I should share more about myself, eh? Here goes nothin’.

I’m 5’9”, sandy blonde hair that’s always a mess. I enjoy comics, like the old vintage ones. I’m an artist, sketches, paintings, doodles, I will try anything. Huge sweaters are my life, I wear them constantly.

I’d say I’m quite boring. Maybe one day we can meet in person?



Thomas grinned as he finished the letter, this Newt guy intrigued him to no end and he barely knew the guy.  The door opened up as Thomas folded up the letter, slipping it into his back pocket. It was Minho, Thomas’s best friend.

“Whatcha got there?” Minho questioned, Thomas not have told Minho about Newt yet. He didn’t know how to tell his best friend without Minho bringing up Ben.


Ben was the monster who ruined Thomas. Thomas won’t let anyone but Minho touch him. Not even a simple hug. He wouldn’t let Teresa, his twin sister, hug him. Minho was the one who saved Thomas. Thomas planned on telling Newt about Ben sometime. He’s gonna invite Newt down to small part of Columbus in his next letter.

“S’nothin’. Just yanno, paper.” He winced, Thomas hates lying to Minho.

“Sure.” Minho dragged out the word, not believing Thomas but shrugging off; knowing his friend will tell him soon enough.

“Wanna go to the bar, grab a drink or two and chat?” Minho asked, eyeing up Thomas.

“Nah, we can stay in tonight. I actually rented this horror movie called Unfriended. Supposed to be quite the spook.”

Minho rolled his eyes at his friend’s weird vocabulary.

“Fine, ya nerd. let’s watch it.” Thomas smiled in victory and went to put in the movie.


Minho had screamed and squealed like a baby during the movie, especially at the part where the chubby guy got his hand put in a blender. Thomas laughed, at the movie and his best friend. Minho was always a sissy when it came to scary movies, even though he claimed not to be. Minho was one of those people who enjoyed the horror and uneasiness the movies give, for some whacked reason, but he commonly got frightened watching whatever movie it is they’re watching.  The Asian doesn’t have the bad aftermath that Thomas does.

Thomas always had a bad time after horror movies- he was the kind that jumped when toast came out of the toaster. He would screech and flail his arms in the air, causing Minho to laugh loudly at him.

“Dude, you’re a freakin’ pantywaist. That stunt never gets old, I swear.” Minho would always comment and Thomas just grumbles in return. The two turned in for the night, sharing Thomas’ giant king sized bed.


Morning time arrived earlier than Thomas had wanted. 6 AM wasn’t ever fun for the brunette, meaning work from 7AM to 8PM at a slow going cafe called the Glade. Thomas has worked at the Glade for the longest time, since high school and he’s now twenty-one. Minho works at the cafe as well, but he comes in later. Thomas envied that but didn’t mind too much because it gave him more time to spend with his best mate. He worked on Newt’s letter last night and sent it in the mail.

Thomas hopes Newt doesn’t stop talking to him.

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