the escape

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oh, tall boy, how i remember the first time my eyes laid on yours, and whispers escaped your lips for only us to hear, almost as butterflies flying out a cave.

i was on the run, desperately trying to escape certainty and reach the unknown.
i was running from my parents, my distant mom and my anxious dad who were trying to give me the future i wanted least, stability.
i was running from my house which never felt like a home, away, far away, in search of the mistery us mortals call love.
i was running, and running, and looking around, trying to find the joy i lost, searching for someone who would give it back.

and then i met you.
you and your light sepia skin, and your short messy pitch black hair, with your hand moving that one strand away from your face to show your deep brown eyes, you and your six feet, and your suit that had me hoping you were a prince.
you, right there, right then, in front of me,
i reached in my mother's jacket's pocket for that letter i was longing to open, and then we read it together.

"Mrs. J****** D***** H******* and
Mr. R**** A******** H******* are officially invited to the summer solstice gala, on June 21st at 7:15 pm,
address; 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500, United States.
we hope to see you there,

> it's the address to the white house.
> i'm aware, shall we go?
> and here i thought you would at least find a more romantic way to ask me to a ball.
> i'm terribly sorry, m'lady. will you make me the happiest man in the world and go to the white house with me?
> why, yes of course, m'lord.

this is when my escaping from
became a going to,
and here i thought i was running from
certainty, when really
i was running from people.
and here i thought i was looking for the unknown, when really i was looking for you.
and i had found you, right then.
and i knew.

a stranger met on the street who suddenly became my adventure friend, a man in a grey suit whose identity had yet to be revealed.
and that's what i loved most about it.
a guy walking down the same street as me, at night, looking for a purpose.
and i gave him one, and in exchange he helped me run away from mine.

this is the story of how i tasted love and bit my lip and started bleeding from it.
and it's the story of how he kissed it better.

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