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"what happens in vegas stays in vegas."
oh, really?
aren't rules made to be broken?
and so i will scream it, and i will shout it,
and i will not sleep until every living soul
knows exactly what happened
in vegas.
because you're as harmful as cancer,
and if i'm going to die in your arms
i refuse to be another notch on your belt.
if i'm going to overdose on the drug you so effortlessly injected into me,
i'll be damned if i don't do so as the very first person to have cherished your soul before your thighs, tasted your words rather than your poisoned saliva, seen your nude fears before your nude body.

what happened in vegas?
in vegas is the night i have realized you are the draining type of being, and it is also the night i told myself that i don't care.

you remind me of medusa,
so beautiful, so beautiful,
so beautiful and murderous.
i look at you and your hair turns to snakes,
eyes on me, daring me to get closer and see what will happen.
but, y'see, i already know what will happen.
i will let myself fall in you, i will hold you,
i will suck the ink out of your veins,
and then i will realize that it is now inside me.

and then, ma belle, you will watch my body in decay, tears running on your face,
you will swallow me whole.
for in vegas is when i knew that i am the frog and you are the scorpion.
trying so hard to get on the other side of the river, and yet one can never go against their nature, can it?
you will sting me and let me drown,
at the cost of your own death.
and perhaps you don't know it yet but i do,
because i have met many people like you,
and i have fallen for it

and who am i kidding?
this will be no different.

you're the most venomous scorpion i've ever met, and perhaps that's exactly the reason i want to test you so bad.
i will come in the river with you,
and your serpentine hair will be tied around my neck by the end of it, and still,
it will have been worth it.

prove me wrong.

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