Chapter five

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Alex's POV

What happened and why do I hear coughing and static? I thought as I looked around. I noticed my gun in my hand. I only carried it for self protection. But why am I holding it.

This is your fault!

That thing spoke in my head. Whats my fault? Thats when I looked up in front of me and seen Jay holding his side. I choked. That thing made me shoot Jay. By the time all of this clicked, Jay had locked himself in a room. He probably thinks I hated him for teaming up with Tim. Parts of me did. They act like a couple. Until Tim tied him up. I tried to keep my composure and not cry.

What do you want from us?! From me! I yelled at the thing in my head as I ran to the room Jay locked himself in. DAMN IT THIS IS YOUR FAULT IF HE DIES!!!! I cursed at the thing inside my head as I couldn't open the door. I was desperate. I didn't want him to die.

I started to pound on the door. I could hear his coughing on the other side.

"Jay! Open the door!" I shouted. All I got is more coughing.

I kept pounding no matter how tired my arms got. It was a good 30 minutes until I heard the coughing and static stop all together.

"Jay?" I called out but got no response this time. My heart sank and I thought the worst.

I pushed against the door and finally got it open. My thoughts were correct when I saw Jay completely still and pale. He bled to death. This is all my fault! I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. I lost someone I loved....

No! This isn't my fault. I picked up Jay and his camera and carefully carried him to a place to bury him.

After walking for a few miles I found a nice tree on a hill. I decided to bury him there. This isn't my fault. Its Tim's  for leaving Jay like that and not keeping an eye on him. Its Tim's fault for bringing that thing here. And I will make him pay for this.

Dancing with your Ghost (A Jaylex love story) DiscontinuedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz