Chapter six

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Alexs POV

The flicker of the lighter is the only light I get as I sit in this stupid building with regret and guilt. The pain of losing Jay all because of that THING! All I've been doing is sitting and waiting to see if Tim will uploads something. How can he live with himself knowing he left Jay behind?

Even the thought of him makes my blood boil. I flicked the lighter one more time until I noticed a new video was uploaded. What is he up to now? It hurts somewhat not seeing Jay or hearing his stupid voice in the next entry, but I need to know Tims next move so I know how to end him.

I watched through the video. It appears he is back to his house. His chest mounted camera quit working so he managed to get another one. I stopped the video and thought for a minute. How am I going to make Tim pay? Then it clicked. I knew exactly what I planned to do to him. I just need to catch him off guard.

A/N: I know this is short but I promise the next chapter will be worth it!

Dancing with your Ghost (A Jaylex love story) DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now