Chapter Five: Change

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"The only thing we can do is integrate (L/n) into the academy," Nezu states. The personnel that remained in the office with him knew it would come to this regardless of whether or not they were receptive to the idea. They had their work cut out for them already, and to add yet another drastic change only augmented the stress—both for the pro-heroes and especially the general public. While they were no longer in the dark about these new creatures known as Pokémon, having little to no experience about their capability and how to properly manage them created a greater vulnerability. At this point there was no other option apart from keeping an eye on the girl and utilizing her prowess to the best of their abilities. The rift within the order of heroes had grown larger and amends needed to be made immediately.

"Surely you don't expect her to take part in the exam that's happening soon..."

"No, of course not. Plans for the exam have already been set by the Hero Commission. Even if last minute changes could be made, I don't believe that they would be keen on the idea, nor would I as a matter of fact." He turns to give a nod to Tsukauchi before looking to the others.

"I can't in good faith put her alongside the rest until I am certain of her standing—not by case of her conduct, rather I want to see just what she and her pokémon can do. Firsthand."

"I see. I suppose that the best way to learn is by immersing oneself and adapting to the new circumstances...this will be a new experience for everyone."

"Yes, and I have no intention of sitting idly while the opportunity is present."

(Y/n) had woken up at the crack of dawn, a behavior conditioned by her occupation. She had done all of the proper hygiene and currently stood in the common room doing stretches. When she was sent back to her dorm after the rather exhausting meeting with Nezu, Midnight had claimed that the building the teen stayed in was completely vacant apart from herself. She had assumed as much because she wouldn't put it past the superiors to keep her as far away from the student body as possible, especially if they were being gracious enough to allow her to keep her pokémon. She takes this information in stride. If she were in their shoes she'd have likely made the same judgement.

Three days had passed since that point and the aforementioned pro-hero worked to assist (Y/n) whenever she was free. Most of their time spent was in regard to filling in government paperwork for a proper identification and buying necessities and amenities, directing the girl to shops in an effort to help her grow more comfortable with her new way of life. The complete shift in atmosphere remained to be a point of distress, but admittedly the feeling had dwindled the tiniest bit after her time with Kayama. While they didn't meet on the best of terms the woman was by no means difficult to get along with.

(Y/n)'s team were outside of their capsules, making use of the large space they were in. Honchkrow sat on the extensive couch leisurely preening his feathers, Carracosta stood closest to the windows taking in the sun's rays, and Raichu sat at the communal dining table eating from a stack of pancakes. The Top Ranger already had her fill as did the others, though Raichu has always had a second stomach for sweets, pancakes especially.

Half an hour had soon passed and (Y/n) finished her workout, nevertheless she remained restless. It wasn't very often that she would be stuck in one place for so long. She couldn't even go outside unless she were authorized. With a small groan she elects to pull Honchkrow in for a hug to which he does not protest. In minutes, the girl could feel herself slowly falling back into a slumber though she doesn't get that far. Having heard the sound of a door shutting, everyone has their attention turned at the entrance hall. The person who entered wasn't Midnight, yet his visage was familiar. The man was in the same attire as when they had met before: an all-black outfit save for the scarf around his neck which was a light-grey. Shoulder-length dark hair framed his perpetually fatigued expression.

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