Chapter Eleven: To Reminisce

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The scratch of pencil on paper ceases as [Y/n] releases the utensil. It drops onto the wooden desk of her small study space with a 'clack' as the young student reclines in her chair. Ever since arriving to study the practice of ranger work, she had no shortage of pokémon to study. Yet, the extensive period of on-field work distracted from the textbooks and research prompts that awaited her in her dorm. But now, she as finally able to finish.

Standing up to stretch, the ticking of the wall clock prevents the girl from savoring the silence of her surroundings. (E/c) eyes read the time and her eyes widen in shock. In a flash, she is reaching to grab her jacket and bolts out of the room.

"I totally forgot!"

Trying her best not to stir up an additional noise, she briskly makes her way through the halls of the academy. Once she exits the front doors and her shoes hit grass, she begins to make a sprint down the field to her destination. As she gets closer, she notices there are two people waiting for her. The brown-haired boy raises his arm to wave [Y/n] over and the curly-haired blonde beside him mimics his action albeit less vigorously.

"Hey [Y/n], what's keeping you!? Outdoor Class is about to get started!"

"Sorry! I was trying to get work done."

"Enough to where you completely forget about the fact we're about to meet a professional Ranger today? Couldn't be me," he remarks.

"Yeah, because you never study. At most you'll procrastinate and hope for the best." Their blonde friend retorts.

"Ha ha, Rhythmi. I study sometimes."

"Not enough I think. If we could learn everything without books or tests, you'd take it in a heartbeat."

"Well...yeah. Who'd want to stay locked in their room all day anyway? We're here to become Rangers." He retorts as he points between [Y/n] and himself. "An Operator's work is different," he points at Rhythmi accusingly.

"I guess, but my point still stands. Still shouldn't stop you from reading words."

[Y/n] laughs. Seeing her friends bicker was a treat to see, their light jabs at each other were always good fun. Yet, if she didn't interject in their little debate their teacher would certainly give them an earful for being discourteous to time.

"Alright guys. This convo is fun and all, but aren't' we here to do something?" Keith is steadfast in his response. He moves to grab her left hand and Rhythmi follows suit in grabbing her right as they bring her down to the campus courtyard.

"Right. Let's get there quick so Ms. April doesn't kill us. The Ranger is already here."

"Yeah! He has quite the large afro." [Y/n] raises a brow at the description, but sure enough when they meet with their circle of classmates the Ranger clad in red, black, and white that stood in the center fit the picture perfectly.

The brunette woman that was their teacher Ms. April stood off to the side. Her similarly brown eyes follow the three as they join the circle. [Y/n] shoots her an apologetic look. Their grey-haired principal, Lamont, who was overlooking the event did not waste any more time once everyone from the class was accounted for.

"It appears as if everyone's with us. Let's get this Outdoor Class started." He proceeds to introduce the person standing in front of him.

"This is Crawford. He's a graduate of this Ranger School, and now he's a Pokémon Ranger in Vientown." Then, from that point onward, the Ranger has the floor.

"Nice to meet you everyone!" The entire class welcomes him in anticipation and excitement.

Crawford reaches for his waistbelt and removes the all too familiar red-and-white of the pokéballs on his belt. He gathers five in between his fingers and tosses them all out. A small creature that appears like a large flower bud shows themself first.

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