Interlude: To Antagonize

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Another day, another heist.

The sun had set over the buildings of Musutafu, its golden halo shadowed the swift steps of the young fox creature as they weaved through narrow alleys. The angered yells of the shopkeepers were drowned out with the growing distance between them. Over the past few days, actions to stop their thefts were taken. Cameras, protective cases, alarms, even the recent addition of a guard dog. While the effort was admirable, they were no match. It was a shame, but there was a goal to accomplish. For however long it would take to help sustain, he would continue to pilfer.

The further Nickit's paws took him, the dimmer it became until he was completely concealed in the dark. He soon comes to a stop, his amber eyes peered at the chipped brick of his destination. The building he stood against was tattered, the wood and plaster barely held itself together. The place smelled of moss, and mildew; wet and unkempt. It looked practically uninhabitable. The dreary atmosphere warned all people with any semblance of self-preservation to steer clear. And as such, the happenings inside the dilapidated shelter were known by very few.

The fox pokémon wastes little time. His feet carry him to a prominent crack in wall as he squeezes through. Taking care not to trip up on the rubble, his journey is short as he comes out the other side. The room he lands in is all too familiar and depressing all the same. As he looks around, the deep dark that Nickit's amber eyes pierce through recognize the barred boxes. Numerous cages were stacked within the space with creatures held within each individual one. It always angered him when he saw them. But despite the effort to help them escape, teeth, claws, even the elemental power he held within himself, the metal boxes did not budge.

As he padded forward, the pokémon that remained awake noticed his presence. There was an expression of relief within those eyes of theirs. Bodies weary of the impending danger that loomed over them fell into a more relaxed state. If their fox friend was around, they were safe for the time being. Nickit lays down his spoils for the day, pieces of bread and chunks of fruit cut with precision. They lay within a sturdy cloth that he had snatched from an unsupervised clothesline and had been using it ever since. He swiftly distributes the food and takes a headcount in the meantime: Bulbasaur, Fidough, Darumaka, Trumbeak, Ambipom, Magnemite, Grumpig, and... a newcomer. If it weren't for the sight of them breathing, he would've thought the worst. Fortunately, this wasn't the case, rather they were unresponsive, likely in a state of sleep. Still, everyone has to eat especially while the situation is calm.

Nickit pokes around the cell, careful as to not touch it. He slots a share of the bread and fruit through the enclosure before giving out a prompt bark. The sound rouses their new addition from their rest. As they turn to look toward the noise, their sorrowful expression pins an intense feeling in his heart. Such a look of resignation only served as a hefty reminder of why he continues to return every day. His one and only goal ever since he roamed this unfamiliar land was to help the unfortunate ones who were captured to finally escape.

Taking a closer look, he notices that the pokémon was foxlike, much like himself but with an ebony coat that blended perfectly under the shadow of her cage. The accented reds on her black fur come to prominence as she scrutinizes the one outside her cage. With brows drawn together, the captive lets out a warning growl. Grumpig, who sat in a larger cage across from the two gave out a reassuring grunt to Zorua and the others quietly followed suit with their own utterings of confidence. She regards their words yet remains still; her skeptic blue-eyes don't stray from Nickit's position. Nevertheless, Nickit is quick to note the tense situation and creates some distance. It was understandable given that being trapped and thrown into a dark nook would breed mistrust. What matters is everyone got their fill, for they were surely not being fed enough before being found.

Nickit occupies whatever remaining time he has to talk with everyone. Beyond the recounting of his recent escapades, it was a wonder that so much information could be gathered by simply being present. Their captors spoke so freely amongst one another that the information they would hear naturally pieced itself together. It turns out that this sorry excuse for shelter served as only a small contribution to a much greater objective. Apart from themselves, there were many more that are suffering the same fate elsewhere and whatever they decided to do next, only time will tell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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