chapter 1

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karasu's pov

i was finishing my last kill of the day for a client when i seen this hugeeee tower and when i say huge i mean huge. " what in the fuck is that? " i say as i slice my victims neck. next thing i know i'm sitting on a rooftop.

"wait what.?" i was genuinely so confused as to how and why i was sitting on a roof top with this white box in front of me. "i still needed to check if my target was still breathing" i heaved with a slight pout. i decided to open the box because obviously i'm gonna open the box.

theirs.. a mask, a fucking mask. "well that's fucking useless" i say as i start to knock on the mask like it's gonna say something. "please stop knocking on me it actually really hurts" the mask said. kidding it didn't actually say that but i put it on once i found saw a code on the back of it.

"hello and welcome" this ai thing inside the mask said. "wait wtf you actually do talk" "yes and it seems here that you don't even need the masks power because your already five times stronger than it" "well i hope i fucking am after all that shit my dad put me through" yea ok ik what ur thinking 'oh she's got daddy issues' yes bitch i do but i know you do to other wise you wouldn't be reading this.

"i'm gonna teach you how to use the rail gun" "wow like the anime?!!" (sorry i haven't watched it so idk what i'm talking about)
"what is this anime you talk about" the ai said "you don't know what anime is.." she said dead serious. "i guess we have to watch it then!!" after hours of non stop binging different anime's they finally stopped .

the ai taught her how to use the rail gun all you had to do was press a few buttons on your phone and then hold it up towards that tall building. "yea while we're here yk before the mask like breaks can you tell me what i'm here for" "you are here to become god" said the ai "so the creator of this world is fucked in the head" she mumbled lightly. "you are currently the one closer to god, and no masked person can disobey them, you are able to control the masked ones that are on the same wave length as you"

"yooo are you sure your meant to be telling me this stuff, it feels like i'm not meant to know" karasu said. "yea your right i'm not meant to be telling you this but who gives a fuck" "wow i think my swearing habits rubbing off on you jinko chino" i said "jin..ko chino?" the ai asked "yea it's your name i decided to name you, it means artificial intelligence!" she said proud of her good naming skills "but i'm gonna be gone once the mask is destroyed" the boy sounding ai said disappointedly "well i'm gonna have to do something about that aren't i"

after a few minutes of brain storming i got an idea. "so chi you know how you said that i can do pretty much anything with these powers i have" "yes i do recall saying that why?" "well do you think i can create a body for you and transfer all of your data and knowledge into that body..?" she said kinda hesitantly. "it is possible but extremely difficult with a 1% success rate" chino said kinda scared for her safety. "that 1% is all we need" she said grinning like a mad man.

heyoo i hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for not putting a warning for the swearing i forgot. it's not edited yet ! thanks for reading and i hope you have a good day mwahhh love you 😘

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