chapter 4

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karasu's pov

there was this big commotion going on outside when i woke up so i decided i wanted to check it out. "hey jc you ready to go?" i said

"who the fuck is jc" chino said looking around to see if he can find who your talking to. "it's you, i decided to change your nickname because chi sounds wierd" i said sighing afterwards "yea whatever i'm ready"

"lets go then" i said teleporting us on top of a roof near the yelling and fighting. i landed in a squatting position like that one sangwoo photo.

"well this is kinda interesting isn't it" i said to no one in particular. there were two highschool student looking girls and one old man fighting a scientist and two masked people.

"oh it's you" i said standing up and dusting the imaginary dust of my leather pants. "it's who?" jc said walking up to me and putting an arm around my shoulder protectively.

"that hot masked dude that i saw looking at me through his scope" i said nonchalantly. he looked kinda stunned that i called him hot or maybe it was because i exposed him, one of them anyway.

"i- uh.. wai- no.." was all that came out of his mouth it seemed he couldn't form proper sentences and was blushing lightly underneath the mask.

once he finally composed himself he saw jc with his arm around your shoulder and glared at him. he didn't seem to notice but you definitely did and slightly smirked to yourself.

"you never told me anything about a hot masked person before" jc said pulling your ear. "ow ow ouchhhh" you whined as he pulled it once more and let go. "well you never asked" you said rubbing your ear and glaring at him.

"how am i supposed to know if you don't tell me- you know what no i'm not having this conversation with you" he huffed and looked away. "awww your so cute when you get all moody" you cooed pinching his cheek.

the two other people just watched this interaction, one in jealousy and the other in interest. those two looked at each other then back at the pair that was still bickering back and forth like a married couple.

"i hate to ruin your fun but may i ask, who are you.?" the green haired girl said. you and jc looked at her then at each other then back at her.

yooo sup my swagmaisters what's popping. ok sorry for that but thanks for reading my book and i'm trying my best to post daily so sorry if i don't but ok that's enough your probably getting sick of reading this have a good day/night love you 😘

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