chapter 3

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karasu's pov

"andddd gottcha!" i exclaimed as i teleported behind the masked person and cleanly ripped out his heart. no i don't feel any type of remorse because i simply don't give a fuck.

i felt someone's stare on me so i decided to see who it was. i turned to see a masked man looking through the scope of his rifle towards me. i looked at him and winked.

he seemed surprised i saw him because he stumbled a bit. i think he was embarrassed i caught him staring. 'this guy seems kinda interesting' i thought to myself.

snipermask pov

after getting blown up by that girls grenade i decided to check the area and there i saw a girl with shoulder length brown hair and striking red eyes i could barely see behind her bangs.

there is no denying she's beautiful. her body is perfect, big boobs and a big ass i'd be lying if i said i wasn't staring.

she teleported behind the masked and ripped his heart out so cleanly id say she's a professional. i was actually really surprised and impressed by that.

i think i was staring to long because she looked at me and winked, i was clearly startled because i lost my footing for a few seconds.

'not gonna lie that's kinda embarrassing' i thought while a light blush was creeping up on my cheeks. then she disappeared as if she wasn't there to begin with. that girl is interesting, i hope i see her around sometime.

karasu's pov

i teleported to the bridge that connected the buildings and decided to find somewhere to sleep for tonight."hey chino where are youuuu?" i called out looking around for him
"right here" he said appearing out of thin air.

"and where the fuck have you been mister i'm gonna wonder off and not tell my dearest most favourite person in the world, don't go running off its dangerous you know"

"don't flatter yourself like that 'su and i was actually looking for something your fat ass could eat but what do i get in return, a fucking lecture" he said throwing a bag towards me that had food and weapons in it.

"first off, fucking rude second, did i ever tell you how much i loved you" she said making a kissy face towards him. chino cringed while looking at her.

"disgusting pig" he whispered lightly "i heard that you fucking toad" she yelled while stuffing her mouth with onigiri.

"yoo chi i'm gonna hit that hay, can we cuddle i'm cold" i asked while laying down on a patch of green grass. "sigh only because i love you, you ugly fuck" he said regretting his decision once he saw her shit eating grin. 'she must snore' he thought mentally sighing.

she got comfortable and allowed chino to lay his head on her chest. "you know your surprisingly really warm" she said while playing with his hair.

"why is that surprising you literally used a real human for this body." he deadpanned. he secretly enjoyed her touch not that he'd admit it though. (not in a lovers type of way😭)

"yea i guess you have a point" she chucked softly "goodnight chi" karasu said with a yawn "night 'su" he mumbled burying his face in her chest.

isjdjd i know what your thinking 'this is supposed to be a snipermask x reader why the fuck are we cuddling with an ai that isn't even real i wanna cuddle with sniper mask' okok i'm sooorry i'll try to include sniper mask more instead of just those two. but yea i tried to make it longer so i hope it's long enough but love you have a good day/night😘

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