•|• Part 3 •|•

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<~At a Cafe~>

Bokuto was waiting for Hinata to show up. Bokuto looked into his pocket until he heard the bell of the door go off telling them that someone had walked in. Bokuto let go of what was in his pocket and looked up to see that Hinata finally got there and getting himself a drink before sitting down with Bokuto.

Hinata made his way over to Bokuto and sat down in front of him.

"Hey Bokuto, what did you want to talk about?" Hinata asks with his famous smile that's always on his face.

"Well I have something you can't tell anyone, alright?" Bokuto replied looking at Hinata right in the eyes.

"Haha yeah, you can trust me," Hinata beamed back to Bokuto. Bokuto took a moment before putting his hand back into his pocket.

"Well I have something for Akaashi, but again you can NOT tell him. It's something really big too," Bokuto began talking, feeling a bit nervous. Bokuto took a deep breath and began again.

"Well, you know how me and Akaashi have been together for quite some time, and I want to move to the next step but, I wanted to ask my friends about it first." Bokuto spoke as he continued to take what was in his pocket out to show Hinata. Bokuto pulled out a dark red box and pushed it over to Hinata. Hinata then opened to see a diamond ring shining at him.

"Oh wow, this is really pretty," Hinata just looked at the ring till it hit him right in the head. "Oh my god, wait are you going to," Hinata looked around before finishing his sentence. "You know, marry him?" Hinata whispered the last part which made Bokuto chuckle.

"Yes Hinata, I am what do you think?" Bokuto asked.

Hinata thought for a moment then remembered what happened around a week ago with Kuroo. "Akaashi and Bokuto are still together but, I'm also with Akaashi." That was the first thing that popped in his head.

"Well Bokuto, I think it's a great idea!" Hinata cheered to Bokuto as he closed the ring box and pushed it back to Bokuto.

"You think he'll say yes, well I mean I hope so, we have been together for a while," Bokuto looked a bit worried, so being Hinata, he had to put a smile on Bokuto's face.
"I think he will love it and he'll say yes, I mean like you said, you have been together for a long time so why wouldn't he say yes," Hinata beamed to Bokuto feeling really bad for saying that when he knows about Akaashi and Kuroo but, seeing that smile was probably the only thing keeping Hinata from telling him all about the two's secret.

"Thanks Shrimpy, I knew I could tell you! Well I should get going. I'm planning the perfect way to pop the question," Bokuto chuckled as he stood up and put the ring back into his pocket and started to head out of the cafe. Hinata didn't stand up, he just sat there thinking about what to do, and he was just left clueless. Hinata pulled out his phone and started texting.


Hey Kuroo, did
Bokuto tell you about
him and Akaashi?

I was the first one he told

Oh alright I just
wanted to see

I'm Bokuto's best friend, you don't think
he would tell me first lol

Idk I was just
asking but that's all

Alright bye Chibi ttyl

Secret Affair || KuroAka Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora