•|• Part 25 •|• Part 2 •|•

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"What about you Kenma?" Hinata said looking over at Kenma who was now having a staring contest with Kageyama.
"Pancakes," was all Kenma said. Hinata laughed at the two as Kuroo kept his eyes on his menu.
"Your thoughts Kuroo?" Hinata said looking at Kuroo dead in the eyes as Kuroo looked up.
"I was thinking the egg combo," Kuroo looked at Hinata but looked away quickly feeling Hinata's eyes still on him, seeming as if Hinata was waiting for Kuroo to slip and say something that'll mess up the whole date.

The group chatted while waiting for their food, Kuroos phone buzzed making Kuroo pull his phone out. A text popped up, "Hinata: I told Kageyama". Kuroos eye widen and looked up at Hinata who was already looking back.
"Are you guys ok?" Kageyama asked seeing the weird tension between the two.
"Yup I had texted Kuroo an idea for another date for us. It's a good idea right," Hinata smiled with his eyes closed.
"Uh- oh, um, yeah it's interesting and never thought you'd think of that," Kuroo squinted his eyes at Hinata then looking at the other two with a small smile hiding how nervous he was.
"Oh the food," Kenma said trying to change the conversation and get rid of the tension.
The waiter placed their food smiled then left with the four leaving short thanks as the waiter left.
"Wow this looks great," Kenma's eye lit up as he saw his plate with a display of pancakes, fruit and whipped cream.

The four finished and paid before leaving.
"Hey I'm going to the bathroom before leaving," Kenma said and walked over to the restrooms.
"So, you and Akaashi," Kageyama glared at Kuroo, making Kuroo feel like he knows every single secret about him.
"Listen, I'm going to talk to him about it ok?" Kuroo said looking to the side awkwardly.
"And end it," Kageyama said. Hinata put his hand on Kageyamas shoulder as if he was going to start hitting Kuroo if he didn't. Kuroo hesitated before nodding. Kuroo didn't want to end it but there's nothing for them to do without hurting anyone.
Why did Bokuto have a purpose, why did Akaashi say yes, why didn't I just take him when I had the chance, Kuroo started asking himself things that he knew wouldn't change anything but wish it did. There wasn't much for him to do but end their little affair. Kuroo was stuck in his thoughts until someone was snapping their fingers in front of him trying to bring him back to earth.
"HELLOOO, Kuroo we gotta leave now," Kenma said. Kuroo looked around seeing that they were the only ones standing outside, the other two had left and Kuroo was too stuck in his own head to realize.
"Yeah yeah let's go," Kuroo said before turning to find his car for them to leave.

On the ride home Kuroo had music playing softly as he drove. Kenma and him hadn't spoken a word since they had left the restaurant.
"You can drop me off at home," was all Kenma said before looking back out the window.
"Alright," Kuroo kept his eyes on the road just wanting to be home. They had still sat in silence when Kuroo pulled into the parking place to drop off Kenma. Kenma didn't get up he turned to Kuroo before talking.
"What's up with you lately. You've been distant and Hinata keeps giving you looks," Kenma had a look, a look of pleading for an answer. Kuroo looked into Kenma's eyes. He didn't know who to say and he didn't want to say anything about him and Akaashi. But some part told him to. Kuroo sighed as he ran his hand through his messy hair.
"Kenma. Please just listen to this whole thing that I'm going to tell you. Alright?" Kuroo asked looking at Kenma who nodded yes in response. "What I'm going to tell you might end badly for multiple people but you just have to hear me out. Before we even became  a thing and before Bokuto had purposed," Kuroo paused for a second before continuing. "I've been seeing Akaashi," Kenma's eyes widened but softened. Kenma laughed a little but it was more painful.
"Kinda saw that coming," Kenma said with his eyes starting to water. He unbuckled his seatbelt and started to open the door. He stopped.
"Kenma, I'm sor-" Kuroo was cut off from Kenma crashing his lips with Kuroos, then leaving.

What the hell happened and what the hell am I going to do.

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