11. The wind of change

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- Kageyama-kun, you've been invited to the National Juvenile Camp... - Takeda Sensei announced, clearly excited over the news. Kageyama felt filled with pride, did they seriously considered him for the national team? He smiled. For a few seconds, everyone made a lot of noise, all the boys congratulated Kageyama. All except from one.

- what about me? - a voice interrupted such noisy atmosphere. Hinata's huge round eyes fixed upon Takeda sensei, almost begging for an answer. The gym's temperature dropped a couple degrees.

- I am afraid they only invited Kageyama-kun - the teacher replied - I am sorry Hinata. But... I've got some more news for you guys. There will be another camp, only for rookies in the prefecture. Apparently they want to improve the whole prefecture's level. Tsukishima, you were invited.

- what about me? - the ginger's voice pierced again. He was clearly upset. No one knew what to answer to the poor ginger and he could no longer disguise his disappointment. The tall blond on the other hand, received his news as inescrutable as always. Unlike Kageyama, going to a camp seemed pretty much a drag to him.

- I'm getting ahead - the dark haired alpha told Hinata with a huge smile on his face. Rivalry was certainly an important ingredient in their relationship and Kageyama wasn't willing to let go of this unique chance.

Days went by, slowly, and Hinata tried his best to deal with his disappointment. He kissed Kageyama goodbye with a sweet smile on his face the day before he left for Tokio. He wanted to be happy for him, truly, and be a supportive partner. But he hated the feeling that the alpha was once again running ahead of him, leaving him behind. He didn't want to feel jealous , that seemed pretty pathetic to him and also he didn't want to bring those harsh feelings to his relationship. Then, why did he feel on the edge of crying every time he thought about it?

He pushed his bike with all his strength, climbing up the mountain, trying to scare his thoughts away. Suddenly an idea popped on his mind and pushed harder, full of energy on his way home.

- HINATA YOU IDIOT, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO? - Coach Ukai's voice pierced the ginger's ear. But when he heard Takeda's voice through the phone, calmed and serious, he freezes in fear. A tiny pale wrinkled hand took the phone away from him.

- we wouldn't mind another ball-boy - he said on a dry voice

After all... Ukai's scolding wasn't that bad. Maybe I'd would be slightly worse in person. But what he was truly afraid of... was Daichi's. What would he say to him? It didn't matter. He had kept a small hope they'd let him stay and play. They were allowing him to stay so he was pretty sure he'd be allowed to play. He was used to people gate keeping him on the beginning, but he always made them change their minds. It was his specialty and old wrinkled Washijo wouldn't be the exception.

- without the setter, Kageyama, I see no value in you. At all - all his hopes vanished the moment the old man finished his sentence- if you don't want to pick up balls, you can leave whenever you see fit

He closed his hands in tight fists. He hated this awful feeling of depending on Kageyama. He was used to being underestimated because if his height, but the fact that the old man believed his whole talent, hability, whatever depended absolutely on Kageyama... that was excruciating. He tried to calm himself down. He knew he had to work harder than anybody else. He had never let himself forget that... and apparently the world wouldn't let him either. He kept himself from crying, took a deep breath and decided he'd get the most out of this shitty situation.

- Hey! Can I have this week's Shonen back, please? - the redhead opened the door of his boyfriend's room abruptly, with a cute smile on his face

- I am still reading "removes unnecessary hair and leaves your skin soft" - the alpha replied

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