Dandelion Wine: Supervision Required

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You took another gulp of the dandelion wine, emptying the last of the glass' contents into your mouth before asking Charles for a refill. He looked at you with a worried look, but you waved it off saying not to worry.

Any other day, you would have gone for grape juice. But after the long week you had, you had decided that you deserved a little bit of the nice stuff to relieve some of the piled up stress on your shoulders. And somehow, one glass of wine had quickly turned into four.

As you waited for Charles to finish filling your glass up again for the fifth time that night, your half-lidded eyes landed on a familiar pair across the room. You were so immersed in watching them, you hadn't noticed someone taking the empty seat next to you.

"What's got you drinking wine all of a sudden?" Kaeya sidled up next to you, eyeing the drink in your hand with an interested look.

You gave him a glance before gulping down a good portion from your refilled glass. Your face turned sour at the bitter liquid escaping down your throat. "Do you think Jean and Diluc are dating?"

The cryo user followed your line of sight, to see Jean and Diluc conversing about something inaudible.

"You're joking, right?" He asked, confused.

"No?" You responded, squinting your eyes at him. Had the lights in the tavern turned brighter all of a sudden? "Anyways, I think they make a great match, don't you?"

"Huh?" Kaeya was further confused by your words. "Are you drunk?"

"No," you lied, taking another sip of wine.

Kaeya gave you a skeptical look. "I'll go get Diluc for you."

"No, stop! You're ruining their precious quality time together!" You grasped his arm tightly, preventing him from getting up.

"What are you talking about?"

You responded to his question with an exasperated look. "I'm talking about Jean and Diluc! Can't you see how perfect they are together?"

His eyes flitted to the pair, before giving you a strange look.

You breathed a heavy sigh, mustering up the energy to explain the concept of love to this blind person.

"The two are the classic example of what people call, "the ideal couple." Jean's basically the perfect "girl-next-door"; being gorgeous, having everyone in love with her, and excelling in everything she does."

"And Diluc?" the captain asked, amused at your analysis.

"He's the ultimate "bad boy". He's got the looks, the money, the power. He's always busy running his wine empire and acts like he doesn't care about the city after quitting the Knights of Favonius- yet, he protects the city in the shadows and takes time out of his busy life to check up on the ones he cares about."

You paused in your lecture to take another sip from your cup.

"I bet they like each other, but are afraid of the prying eyes to have a public relationship-" You gasped. "-or maybe they're in a secret relationship!" You concluded, surprised by the sudden thought.

Kaeya snorted at your conclusion. "How much have you had to drink tonight?"

You glared at him. "I'm not drunk, I'm telling you!"

"Of course you aren't." he smirked.

You ignored his sarcasm. "Anyways, they both really deserve to be happy after all they do for Mondstadt. You know with Jean as Acting Grand Master, and Diluc as the Darknight Hero."

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