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*(A/N): Rex Lapis isn't dead to the public in this. He's very much alive and thriving. Also the reader, you, is very oblivious. Just keep that in mind.

The previous Geo Archon wasn't one to pry into another person's secrets. But when the person in question was his wife, he couldn't help but be curious. And so, his thoughts kept returning to the events two nights ago, during dinner with you.

Somehow the topic of conversation at the dinner table had landed on both of your past loves. When he had revealed that you were his first and final love, you had found it hard to believe that a man like him hadn't dated anyone before marrying you. But it wasn't like him to lie, and when he swore on the life of Rex Lapis that he was, indeed, telling the truth, you had no reason to question the validity of his statement any further.

However, it was when he had asked you about your first love, that you had acted suspiciously, keeping a tight lip. You suggested the two of you go out for dessert to avoid answering his question, and changed the topic whenever he tried to bring it up again later that night.

Was it someone in Mondstadt? Maybe he could enlist the help of Venti to find out.

But before he could dwell on the topic any longer, Childe walked into the parlor, breaking away his concentration.

Childe, noting Zhongli's unconscious frown, asked him, "Are you still trying to figure out who (Y/N)'s first love is?"

"Yes." The Geo Archon replied, having no reason to lie to his friend.

"You know, I could tell you." Childe grinned, making Zhongli confused. "I know who it is."

"How do you know?"

"You know that time she got really drunk with Venti?"

Zhongli nodded, remembering the last time his fellow archon and friend had visited Liyue. Venti had brought multiple bottles of dandelion wine, after hearing from Zhongli that you had never tried it before. He didn't think that it would have ended with you and Venti passed out on the living room floor.

"Well, they made a bet that whoever got drunk first would have to tell the other a secret. And since they both got drunk around the same time, they just blurted it out on the spot." Childe, having the luck of being in the right place at the right time, and not being drunk, clearly heard both their secrets that night.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that you knew, then?"

"Oh, (Y/N) found out I knew and threatened me not to tell anyone else. Especially you."

Zhongli couldn't help but narrow his eyes at the man. "Then what was the point of telling me all of this?"

Childe just smirked. "Just that I could tell you. But I know how important promises are to you."


After kicking Childe out of his office, Zhongli headed home to you.

"Hope you're hungry, I made your favorite!" You exclaimed seeing him enter through the door. You were about to head back into the kitchen to grab some drinks when you stopped, seeing a small frown adorning his face.

"Zhongli, what's wrong?"

Your husband walks closer to you, grabbing your hands in his. "Could you tell me who your first love is?"

Your eyes widened, giving him an amused look. "Is this what's got you all down?" When he nodded, you let out a small laugh. "If this was that serious to you, I would've told you sooner. Alright, I'll tell you. But you have to promise not to laugh okay?"

"I assure you, I won't." If anything, Zhongli was going to have a "nice chat" with the person, after all the stress they had caused him.

You sighed, before opening your mouth. "My first love is..." You trailed off, mumbling the rest of your sentence.

Zhongli unconsciously leaned in closer to hear clearly. "Come again?"

"I said..." you murmured the rest again.

He gave you a look, knowing you were doing it on purpose.

"Fine! It's the Geo Archon statue!"

Zhongli blinked his eyes at your words, while you hid your blushing face in your hands.

"Don't look at me like that. I know it's embarrassing. You can't even see his face and I fell in love with the guy. But I was young and he looked so cool just sitting there, and his body..." Your face burnt up, remembering the thoughts you had whenever you visited the Geo Archon statue.

Zhongli was now smiling blindingly, void of any hint of the frown he was sporting earlier. Many years back his Anemo friend, Venti, had convinced him to turn into his human form for his statue, saying that his dragon form was too intimidating. And so, he had reluctantly posed in his human form, choosing to cover his face with his hood to conceal his identity. After the final statue had come out and he unexpectedly saw that half of his body was exposed for the entirety of Liyue, not to mention Teyvat, to see, he had been silently cursing the Anemo archon's persuasive skills ever since.

But now, upon seeing your flustered state, he decided that maybe it hadn't been a bad decision after all.

"So you fell in love his physical attributes?" Zhongli pursed his lips, trying not to laugh.

"No! I mean, yeah he's beautiful physically, of course. But I also liked him because of how he protected Liyue for so long, and continues to do so."

Zhongli tried not to smile at your embarrassment. Quickly hiding his laugh with a cough, he composed his face. "Well, I'm flattered tha- I mean, I'm sure Rex Lapis would be flattered to know that he's the first love of a beautiful maiden."

"Yeah right. He probably doesn't even know I exist. Probably has some gorgeous goddess. But, that's how my first love ended. And then there wasn't anyone else until I met you." You shrugged nonchalantly, your feelings for the Geo Archon being in the past. "It's like they say, first loves never work out anyways."

He grinned, hearing your words. "I think that there some exceptions to the rule."

"I guess?" You said, continuing to set the table. "But not me, you know? Or else, we wouldn't be married."

Zhongli seemed to be in a significantly better mood afterwards, smiling at you and watching you with soft eyes all throughout dinner. And when he suggested taking a walk around town and grab some dessert along the way, he held onto you tighter and closer than he normally did out in public.

"You know, I have been told that I remind people of Rex Lapis." Zhongli mentioned, as the two of you walked across the bridge.

You examined him, your eyes roaming around his stature. You then shook your head, giving him a small shrug.

"I don't see it."


*(A/N): lolololol. I had so much fun writing this one! I like to think no one knows about Zhongli's true identity yet, other than Venti of course, in this fic. But he'll tell you once he decided to fake die. Idk if you'd let him tho lol. ^^

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