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Whoever coined the term, "out of sight, out of mind", needed a good whacking in the head for lying to you.

Maybe you were being too quick to judge though- it had only been a week since you started to avoid Kaeya after all.

Why were you avoiding him? You could probably trace the reason back to the day you became friends with the calvary captain. Since Diluc was already a close family friend since childhood, it was only natural that you also became close with his adopted brother. And one day, you found yourself in love with one the blue-haired boy.

If you were really being honest, you probably had fallen in love him the moment you met him. And now all grown up, Kaeya's flirty attitude sure didn't help you either, making you start back again at square one of getting over him, whenever he threw you that teasing smile.

Now normally, any problem or worry you had in life, you would always seek out Kaeya for help. He was not only one of your best friends, but also your safe haven. But you couldn't ask him for help with this problem, since you were already avoiding him; not to mention the fact that he was the problem.

And it was times like this that you were thankful that you had two best friends in your life.

"Hey Diluc, you're good at avoiding Kaeya right? How do you do it?"

"By not being in love with him." The Dawn Winery owner retorted.

You gave your longtime friend a glare before elaborating on your situation, that Diluc, unfortunately, knew too well of.

"I just need to avoid him for a while. Just long enough to get over my crush on him. It can't be that hard right?"

Who were you kidding, though? If getting over Kaeya was really that easy, you wouldn't have been sitting in the tavern, contemplating about moving to Liyue as a last resort.

"I'm hurt you think I'm that easy to get over, sweetheart."

You stiffened at the voice behind you.

Hesitant to look behind you, you signaled help to Diluc with desperate eyes.

"Help. Me." you mouthed to him, silently.

"I'd appreciate it if you took your lover's quarrel elsewhere." Diluc said, ignoring your pleas of assistance, to clean a smudged wine glass instead.

"Where to then? Your place or mine?" Kaeya asked, throwing you a wink.

You huffed. You should've known you couldn't avoid Kaeya for long.

Maybe it was a sign for you to get the whole thing over with, and just come clean to him.

With the little newfound determination you had, you grabbed his hand, leading the two of you out the tavern. Stopping near the empty corner of the town square- away from any prying ears who would hear the embarrassment that would soon follow- you turned to him in all seriousness.

"I like you, Kaeya."

"I like you too, (Y/N)." he grinned.

"Kaeya," you sighed. "you can't say things like that, because I keep misunderstanding and getting confused. I need to get over you so we can continue to be friends."

"Get over me? When were you under me?" he feigned innocence, but a smirk broke out on his face soon after. "Because I definitely would have remembered that."

"No! This is what I'm talking about. That flirty attitude of yours isn't helping at all. I can't keep thinking that I have a chance, when I don't. I don't want to be the lovesick girl that keeps hoping that one day you'll confess to me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

You sighed. "Kaeya, stop acting stupid. I know you understand what I'm saying-"

He cut off the sentence, shushing you with a finger to your lips.

"No, I mean I don't know what you're talking about because I've already confessed my feelings to you."

"Hmph?" Your response came out muffled. You swatted his hand away, to speak clearly. "When?" you asked, your brows furrowing in genuine confusion.

"Don't you remember that time in Windrise? I said that I liked you and then we ate some fruity skewers."

"When we were ten?!" you asked incredulously. "Are you kidding me right now?!"

Maybe getting over him wouldn't be so hard after all. You just had to keep reminding yourself of the headache that he was.

"Well, my feelings for you have never changed." He shrugged, giving you a smug smile. "So if anything, you've been the one leading me on to think we've been in love for the past fifteen years."

You closed your eyes, breathing in deeply. You were about to strangle this man. You were certain that you could at least get over Kaeya if he was dead. People would probably thank you for it anyways- mainly Diluc.

"So, you're saying that the time when I asked you who you liked in Mondstadt apart from your family, and you said that you liked me was a confession?"

"I think you're missing the point here, sweetheart."

"And that is?" you rolled your eyes.

"That we both love each other."

"Mmm, well, technically you said you liked me."

Kaeya suddenly stepped closer to you, looping an arm around your waist to pull you into him. You panicked at the sight of his face nearing yours, only for him to stop just before your lips.

"I love you, (Y/N)." he confessed. "So could you please stop avoiding me now?"

His diamond eyes gazed into yours before looking down at your lips. He waited until you gave him a small nod, before finally meeting his lips with yours.

You were thankful Kaeya was strong enough to hold you up, because your legs were failing you currently. You could tell that he was going to make fun of you for it later, seeing the smug look on his face as the two of your separated for air.

"I believe you technically said you liked me too." he said after a moment, an expectant look in his eyes.

Your lips lifted into a smile at his words, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips before saying the words he been waiting to hear.

"I love you too, Kaeya."



"Hey, Kaeya?"

"Yes, dear?"

"If we're going into technicalities here, you also said that you would marry me when we were younger; but I don't see a ring on my finger."

You raised your hand to show him your ringless fingers.

He laughed at your words, before grabbing your hand to place a peck on the back of it.

"I gave you a ring, remember? You were the one who threw it away."

Your face flattened at his words. "Kaeya, you made that out of tin foil..."

"Details, details." he waved off. "Anyways, we have a more important issue that needs to be taken care of."

"And what's that?"

He gave you his famous teasing smirk, making you instantly regret asking.

"Now that you don't have to get over me, I think we should start practicing you being under me."


*(A/N): hehe, i hoped you liked it! I've been wanting to write something for Kaeya but couldn't think of anything until now. I hope you got my FRIENDS reference too lol. also Diluc is so done with the two of you hehe. anyways, i hope everyone has a wonderful week! stay safe and wear a mask! Kaeya would want you to! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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