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The light breeze and clear skies in Liyue were a stark contrast to Childe's mood as he trailed behind you. Sulking lower with each step, he frowned when he realized you were continuing to ignore him.

Earlier in the day, while heading to the Wanmin Restaurant for lunch, the two of you were stopped by a familiar traveling duo- who had asked if either of you had seen Zhongli.

Childe had a knack for knowing where everyone was at all times, a special gift he said- calling it "keeping tabs" on the people closest to him. (But in your dictionary, the word was, "stalking". And you had been sure to let him know you didn't approve of his methods, when you found him not-so-discreetly following you on a commission. You made him promise not to secretly follow you around anymore, and threatened that the Snezhnayan nursery rhyme Teucer taught you about pinky promises would come true, if he were to go back on his word.)

It seemed Lumine and her emergency food companion had already looked in the aforementioned spots Childe suggested, and so you urged him to go actually help them look. It was perfect, seeing that you had some business to take care of down by the docks anyways.

At your suggestion however, Childe gave you a betrayed look, a deep frown settling on his face. He reluctantly led the two foreigners on the hunt to find the Geo Archon, after Paimon kept bugging him that time was of the essence. And it didn't take long for Childe to come back, finding you, at the docks wrapping up your business as well.

When you noticed he was back, you had asked him if Zhongli had been found, only to be responded with a scoff. Confused, but still rolling your eyes at his childishness, you walked away to resume the trek to the restaurant. Childe, who didn't get the response back he had wanted, chose to follow behind quietly.

It was a good minute of silence between the two of you, before he suddenly spoke.

"I can't believe you would so willingly let me go with another girl."

"It's not like I gave you my blessing to go elope with her." You replied, exasperatedly. "Besides, I don't think you're Paimon's type."

Seeing your amused expression, he gave you a deadpan look. And shaking his head, he dramatically breathed out a loud sigh. "Where's the fight? The battle for my attention?"

You shrugged nonchalantly at his question. "Listen, I'm not going fight Lumine, or anyone else for your attention."

"I would fight for your attention." He whined.

You tried to fight off a smile, able to vividly imagine him with droopy dog ears that paired well with his pout. Although, you weren't sure whether his statement came from his love for you or from his love of violence.

Perhaps both, you thought.

Regardless, you responded with a shake of your head.

"No, it's okay."

He huffed at your rejection, looking at you with incredulous eyes. "Why won't you let me fight for you?"

He was one foot stomp away from reminding you of his brother, Teucer.

"Because-" you started, grabbing his pouty face into your hands. You gave him a quick peck, before explaining. "-there's no need to. I'm already yours."

And unsurprisingly, It only took him a second for his habitual smirk to make a reappearance, replacing the previous pout.

"You're right. You're mine." He smiles, responding with a peck of his own. "And I'm yours."

In a much happier mood than before, he confidently took the lead, entertwining your hand with his to resume the walk to your lunch spot. The blush on your cheeks blossomed even more, at the feeling of his hand gently squeezing yours.


While you were eating your Adeptus Temptation, which Childe kept sneaking bites of throughout the meal, a thought occurred to you.

"You know what," you said, tapping your finger on your chin in thought, as Childe sneaked another spoonful of your food into his mouth. "I would fight if the other girl was Signora, though."

"Really?" He smiled gleefully at your words.

"Yeah, she's a bitch. And I would love a good reason to let my fist hit her face."

"So violent...I love it." Childe responded, looking at you in adoration.

"But I would also fight you too, to knock some sense into you for leaving me for her."

"Fair enough." He agreed.


As the both of you walked out of the restaurant after finishing the meal, Childe seemed to want to ask you something, looking in your direction every other second. You gave him a questioning glance, wondering what he was wanting to ask so badly.

"Since we're not fighting anyone, can we fight each other then?" He pleaded to you, with round, hopeful eyes.

You rolled your eyes at his thirst for violence. "Unless you want a smack down, I'd rather save you the embarrassment.

"Oh, you think I'd lose- to you?"

His haughty voice, as if he had forgotten who had won the previous fight between the two of you, made you change your mind on the matter.

"You know what? On second thought, let's. If you win, you can stalk me again."

He nodded readily at your statement, ignoring your choice of words for his special skill. Smiling blindingly, purely ecstatic at your agreement, the smile falls into a frown at your next words.

"But if I win- you can't see or talk to me for a whole week."

Would you really not interact with him for a whole week? Probably not. But he didn't need to know that.

"How dare you." He said, a hand to his chest with an offended tone. "We promised Teucer we'd be together forever!"

At his words, you couldn't stop a smile from breaking out.

You were surprised he still remembered the little promise his brother ordered the two of you to make, during his visit to Liyue as a stowaway. The younger boy, who really took a liking to you, was worried that you wouldn't come visit him in Snezhnaya, if the two of you ever broke up. So, to the joy of his older brother, he forced you and Childe to promise each other to "stay together forever", refusing to get on the boat to go back home, otherwise.

"You're right." You relented, nodding your head with a smile. "I guess I'm stuck with you then."

Childe, proud of his quick thinking, made a mental note, remembering to thank his little brother in the next letter he wrote home.

But you couldn't help but tease your boyfriend just a little bit more.

"But then again, do I really need my pinky and tongue?"



*(A/N): hehe. Reading back, I realized I made Childe such a simp for you lol. Anyways, thanks for reading and hope you guys enjoyed it! Also, first time I heard Teucer sing the pinky promise song, I was like wtf lol. If you haven't done the story quest for Childe yet, the song is basically saying that if you break a promise you'll lose your pinky and tongue. Like, comment, or do whatever! Also stay safe out there and wear a mask if you go out! Childe would want you to. ^^

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