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"Do you have a wish, Xiao? I'll write it on your lantern."

"No need. I don't have a lantern nor do I have the desire to make one." He quickly shut down your offer, no sound of amusement or humor found in his tone. But unfortunately for him, you were used to his constant rejection and came prepared this time.

Grabbing another lantern from under the table, you pushed it towards him with a smile.

"Well, lucky for you, I already made you one." you laughed, seeing his surprised reaction at the lantern in his hands. "No need to thank me." you added.

"I don't-"

You interrupted him before he could say no. "I already made it, and I don't need two wishes. And like I said, I'll even write it for you if you want." Seeing his hesitation, you offered him a deal. "I'll tell you mine, if you tell me yours."

Xiao, knowing you weren't going to give up until he relented, nodded reluctantly.

You clapped your hands happily at his defeat.

"My wish is to become someone who can protect the great and mighty Xiao!" you exclaimed, showing him your lantern.

To become someone who can protect the great and mighty Xiao.

- (Y/N)

The adeptus gave you a puzzled look after confirming for himself that you had indeed written the same wish verbatim, onto your lantern.

"Well, you protect Liyue, right? But who protects you?" you asked the yaksha. And you predicted that he would say something along the lines of "not needing the protection of a mere human" or what not, so you chimed in again. "Of course, I'm not as powerful as you are. So my protection will mostly be in the form of Almond Tofus and my company. And I'll always be here for you, whenever you need me."

"I have no need of you, nor your company."

You tried not to smile at the fact he didn't mention not needing Almond Tofus.

"I'm lonely. You're lonely. So we can be lonely together, then." Shrugging, you changed the subject before he could retort back. "So, what's your wish then?"

At the conversation returning back to the topic of his wish, he let out another sigh.

"Hand me the brush, I'll write it."

As he silently wrote down his own wish on his lantern, you wondered whether he insisted on writing it himself because he was embarrassed to say his wish out loud. Or was it because he didn't like your handwriting? You figured it would most likely be the latter. But upon noticing the slight blush dusted onto his cheeks, you couldn't help but second-guess yourself.

And after a short moment later, he handed the writing utensil and lantern back to you.

"You sure you don't want to come with me to release the lanterns?" you asked him, hopeful that maybe this year would be the year to finally convince the recluse man of joining the festivities. "We can release it on the mountain, instead of in the city if you would feel more comfortable?"

"I would feel more comfortable staying here." he replied firmly. His tone didn't give away any leeway of changing his mind, so you decided that the lanterns would have to do this year. But hey, at least he participated.

After gathering your things, you made your way down the steps of the inn, and into the direction of the road leading back to the city. You waved a goodbye up to Xiao, who just watched your retreating figure. It was only when you stopped walking to frantically wave at him, that he gave a half-hearted wave back. He probably breathed a sigh of relief at your absence, once you left his view. But still, the half-hearted action brought a smile to your lips, and it remained with you the rest of the way home.

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