Chapter Ten

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Unlocking Harry Potter

Chapter Ten


Steam rose from the Hogwarts Express to greet the returning and new students as they arrived at platform nine and three quarters for another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Severus was particularly pleased to be boarding the train that year. His uncle had been much more vocal on his expectations of Severus to join the ranks of the Dark Lord. Severus had expected it, and knew it would happen, but was a bit frightened at the prospect. He hated muggles and mudbloods, but he was not a killer and did not want to be one. The Dark Arts were fascinating, but so much of it was just... wrong somehow.

He was still uncertain about the letter that felt much heavier than it actually was in his pocket. Severus suspected that Lily Evans had been responsible for Potter's first letter to Severus that summer. Potter had finally managed to cultivate a friendship with the girl who had seen him as an immature show-off for five years. The whole school knew he had a crush on her but he always acted like a fool around her. Apparently, that summer he had shown up near tears on her doorstep after a fight with Black and they had talked for hours. Just days later, Severus had gotten an owl from the Marauder.

Now Severus was headed towards the last compartment on the train where Potter had said he would be in the most recent letter. Severus's uncle was practically drooling over this unexpected truce and potential friendship. The Snapes would rise high in the ranks of the Death Eaters if they could bring a Potter into the fold. Unbeknownst to his uncle though, Severus did not want to recruit Potter. He did not even want to become a Death Eater though he was resigned to that fate. He hated muggles, and disliked muggle-borns, but did not want to become a murderer.

Severus's trunk was shrunk to the size of a small suitcase. He would enlarge it on the train so the Hogwarts house elves could bring it to his room. His uncle had shrunk it for easier carrying, as it had Severus's new cauldrons inside. For the first time the man had shown pride in his nephew. Severus had received the highest grade in history on his Potions O.W.L. and the Dark Lord was in desperate need of a new Potions Master. Severus's apprenticeship had already started, but this was solid proof of his abilities.

He took a deep breath outside the last compartment and looked in the door. Inside was a sight that would have greatly surprised any students that was not aware of the changes over the summer. Lily Evans was sitting on one side of the compartment, her feet propped up on the seat. She was laughing softly and smiling at James Potter, who sat across from her. Potter was leaning back in his seat with his long legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankle. He was twirling his wand in one hand and telling Evans a story that involved charming Peter Pettigrew's textbooks to whisper hints to him, which the rest of the Marauders pretended they couldn't hear. He gave off a relaxed aura even as he constantly shifted his position.

They both looked up when the door opened and Severus stepped in. Evans smiled at him and Severus tensed. No matter how many times he called the girl a mudblood she would always treat him well. She never gave up and it irritated him beyond words. Potter looked a bit nervous and unsure of himself, something that was probably an entirely new feeling for him.

"Hi, um, Severus," Potter said with a guarded smile.

Though they had begun addressing each other as Severus and James in their letters it had never been spoken, and Severus still thought of the Gryffindor as Potter. He nodded, "James, Evans."

Severus put his trunk on the overhead rack and enlarged it to normal size. He sat down next to Potter, as there was no way he would sit next to a mudblood. After a few moments of silence Evans stood.

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