Chapter Fifteen

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Unlocking Harry Potter

Chapter Fifteen


On September first Harry was fully packed, including a stack of photographs as mementos of his two-week stint as a dragon handler. Just as his hair had always returned to its normal length when his aunt cut it, Harry had woken to his normal short and messy hair. Charlie had been surprised, and then awed when Harry explained nonchalantly that it was normal, but didn't comment further. Harry had a bag with his shrunken possessions slung over his shoulder as he stood in Charlie's living room and waited.

Even in Romania news of the liberation of the dementors had been heard. Harry had found off-duty dragon handlers nervously practicing their Patronus charms on multiple occasions. He itched to give them pointers but knew he couldn't give himself away. Instead, he talked to Charlie, who passed along Harry's knowledge. To Harry's surprise he found himself planning for the DA, though he still wasn't sure if he wanted to be in charge.

On his last night there the handlers had a roaring party, as only those whose every day work was life risking could, and presented Harry with a parting gift. A tooth from a Hungarian Horntail, Charlie had finagled it so it was the dragon Harry had faced in fourth year, had been infused with a series of protection charms, dyed a deep black red with dragon blood from the same dragon, and was set in a thick, neutral colored, intricately braided necklace that had tiny red and gold beaded accents, barely noticeable. The necklace had an unbreakable charm and once tied around Harry's neck it was charmed so only Harry could remove it.

"What time does this damn thing activate?" Harry held out the snitch shaped Portkey that had carried him to Romania.

"Five more minutes Harry," Charlie answered with a smile, "and I'm going with you remember?"

"Yeah," Harry sighed and then scowled. "I still hate these bloody-disorienting-terminat-tonto..."

Charlie was laughing hysterically and cut off the string of colorful multilingual invectives, "You better watch that mouth at Hogwarts. You could be a match for Fred and George by now."

"Well, fire breathing, clawing, acid drooling, easily irritated giant reptiles bring out the more colorful language in people," Harry protested. "I can't help that I learned how to curse in at least five languages."

Charlie ruffled Harry's short-again hair and hugged him. Harry leaned into the hug and sighed.

"Just because you refuse to get into a relationship with that prophecy hanging over your head like the sword of Damocles doesn't mean you should be a monk at Hogwarts," Charlie said to the younger wizard.

Harry put on a mock shocked expression, "Are you saying I should have indiscriminate pre-marital sex with members of both genders in the abandoned classrooms of Hogwarts? Mr. Weasley, whatever would your mum say?"

Charlie laughed, "She'd disown me for corrupting your sweet innocent mind. Hell, no, just remember that you're allowed to have some fun. Leave slutting around to the Patil sisters. I've heard some not so nice stories about them."

"Tell me about it," Harry rolled his eyes. "You should have seen them with the Beauxbatons boys at the Yule Ball. And my mind hasn't been sweet and innocent for at least a year."

"I think I discovered that," Charlie smirked knowingly.

Harry leaned in and kissed Charlie firmly, "What do you say we give whoever's on the other end of this Portkey the shock of their life?"

"Do you want to risk that if Snape is waiting for us?" Charlie inquired.

Harry felt a shiver run down his spine, "Okay scratch that idea. Ready?"

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