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Unlocking Harry Potter

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Once Harry and Charlie had gone up the stairs and Severus heard two separate doors close he followed Dumbledore to the fireplace and into the headmaster's office.

"Albus do not even think of sending my son to join the Dark Lord," Severus was a mass of conflicting emotions. He even wished Black was there. The mutt would surely agree with him on this one. "I'll leave the country and take him with me before I let him sell himself like that."

"Severus..." Dumbledore used his calming tone but it wasn't working.

"Don't you see Albus?" Severus wanted to start cursing someone. He was tempted to use Charlie Weasley as a target, but wouldn't want to see Harry's reaction to that. "Harry is almost nothing like James. He's like me. You know what my childhood was like, and he's got my temper on top of it."

"That I've known for years, my boy," Dumbledore twinkled at him and Severus wanted to curse the twinkle out the man's eyes. "What do you think I've been trying to show you for the past five years? Why do you think I kept throwing the two of you together? There were times when I wished Harry had been sorted into Slytherin as it would have forced you to get to know Harry instead of Potter."

Severus gave up the idea of cursing Albus and hit the wall instead... hard. Fawkes fluttered his feathers and squawked at Severus. The headmaster had pointed out more times than Severus could remember that Harry was not James, but he had refused to listen.

"Calm yourself Severus," Dumbledore said firmly. "I have no intention of having Harry join Voldemort, now or in the future." Severus nodded and did his best to regain his composure. "We will return to Headquarters tomorrow afternoon to work on Harry's barriers. That gives him a few days to adjust before Christmas, and then we can get to work."

Christmas. Severus cursed. He hadn't exchanged gifts with anyone except the headmaster since before Lily memory charmed him. He had to find a gift for Harry in the next few days, and probably more than one. When he looked up Albus was twinkling at him again. Severus made sure to slam the door on his way out. It was childish, but it felt good.

With the number of Order members living at Headquarters Severus had to use his Professor Snape persona. He arrived while they were eating lunch and was pleased to see Harry joking with his friends and the others at the table. Granger must have calmed Ron Weasley down while the Order was meeting. Harry was sitting between Ron and Charlie Weasley and they were all smiling between mouthfuls. Severus wondered briefly how Molly Weasley managed to feed everyone, especially with the voracious appetites her children had.

"How abou' chess la'er 'Arry?" Ron Weasley asked.

"Ew," Granger commented from across the table, "swallow before you talk Ron. Honestly, you have the worst table manners."

"I am afraid Mr. Potter has other plans for this afternoon," Severus stepped out of the doorway and commanded instant attention.

"I do?" Harry asked in confusion.

It was just too tempting, and Severus knew Harry wouldn't take it seriously. He looked down at Harry like he was a potion that had taken on an unexpected foul odor, "Yes, you do."

Harry shrunk back under the glare, and several Order members shot him sympathetic looks, "Sorry Ron."

The youngest male Weasley glared at Severus for good measure and reassured his friend while Severus exchanged a look with Charlie. The dragon handler glared at him and gave him a short nod.

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