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Unlocking Harry Potter

Chapter Forty-Nine


The healers had been reluctant to let him out of bed, but a Snapeish glare and a solemn promise to take it easy convinced them. They all knew him from the previous summer too, which didn't hurt. After walking a few hundred yards Harry was willing to admit that the healers were right. He didn't really belong out of bed. He was panting already from the exertion. He didn't envy them the storm they would face when his father and Charlie came by to check on him in an hour or so. There was something Harry had to do though, and he was the only one who could do it.

A few simple questions had told him that the Welsh Green that had saved him was in the next valley over. It wasn't a terribly far walk, but the inclines were tough. He crested the mountain on a path that led from enclosure to enclosure and saw the valley stretched out below him. There was a roar and a large green blur swept from one of the peaks to the area just in front of him, followed by several other smaller green blurs.

He was wearing temporary replacement glasses, charmed to his prescription but not very well as the healers were not optometrists. Everything was a little fuzzy around the edges and it was an interesting effect.

"Hi," Harry hissed in Parseltongue. "I'm much better now. Thank you."

A fully grown dragon had never nuzzled him before and it was a unique experience. Her snout was bigger than his torso. Harry smiled and stroked her scales. The juveniles were about the size of Shetland Ponies by then and they crowded around him, nudging him and swiping at him with their wings and the pads of their forefeet, claws retracted. Harry was amazed. They were treating him like they did each other, like a sibling, but much more gently as he didn't have the built in armor they did and was still injured.

Once they had all greeted him they settled down and the juveniles rested their heads on the ground, looking at him intently. Harry sat down, leaning against what he supposed was his new sister, and the mother sat down and watched over them.

"Other wizards call me Harry... Harry Potter," Harry hissed at them. He closed his eyes and began to tell them his life story. He stumbled over a few places where he found Parseltongue just didn't have the words and had to explain several things. He felt one of his 'siblings' move closer to his feet. Every now and then one of them would nudge him and he would explain whatever he was talking about in detail.

He could sense the emotions of the dragons as he told his story, but kept his empathy mostly barriered. The mother was in an almost constant state of anger and he found himself assuring her several times that he was fine. There were some noises from the young dragons when he talked about how his parents died and he could feel the pain they remembered from their mother being taken away.

The air got cooler as he talked, he had never said so much in Parseltongue before, but the warmth of the dragons was more than enough for him. A sense of tension rippled through the dragons.

"So this is where you are," a voice spoke in English not long after Harry was getting to the end of his fifth year at Hogwarts. He opened his eyes and saw Charlie with his father and several other dragon handlers.

Snape looked dramatically out of place amongst the dragon handlers in his black robes that were almost formal in style. The handlers wore almost exclusively muggle style casual clothing for the ease of movement it offered. Robes were much more likely to catch on something, like a dragon's claws. Cloaks were for traveling and robes were for formal occasions or visits to exclusively wizarding sectors of a city.

"Hey," Harry smiled, but didn't move. He explained to his new dragon family who all the wizards were, and that they were good wizards. He switched back to English, "I was just getting to the Department of Mysteries."

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