Our Past and a New Start

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(If you are reading my other FFC fanfiction then wait until you are done reading the main plot line before reading this chapter or any beyond it. Also if you have played the game before it DOES NOT apply to you. Read at your own risk)

I stare into Rupert's brilliant golden eyes filled with sadness.

We have never acted nice since we were five. Late in December our mother was going to work in Coldfeet Glacier. Everyone knows about the legend of the Krona God. It is the largest Krona that anyone has ever seen. Its fighter abandoned it. If an unlucky boat strays in its territory, then Krona would snap the boat in two. Rupert and I were on Rivet Ravine watching the sea and boats that go by (Rivet Ravine is that part on top of the eye by the arrow. [the arrow points towards the Coldfeet Glacier] ).

Rupert was a few feet away, digging up a Megalo fossil. I was throwing rocks into the water with my Spino sitting beside me. He and I can talk to each other because of our trust.

"Hey, Laura, look at that boat!" Spino roars.

"I don't see anything." I say. Rupert comes over.

"Hey, look at the person on the boat." Rupert says.

It's our mother.

Spino roars, getting her attention. She waves and we wake back.

What all happens next is the stuff of nightmares. It was like it was in slow motion.

Spino growls.

"What are you growling at, Spino?" I ask.

The water starts fluctuation around the boat. Spino jumps off the sheer cliff into the water. He knows he's too late.

I could only watch. A fin flips out waves of water near the boat. Then another. Then another. A large pare of Krona jaws ingulf the ship. Our mother... is... dead.

That was the last day Rupert had ever wept a tear. It was like my Spino's icy claws had took control of me. We have always been cold hearted ever since. I never touched the Spino Dino Medal after that day.

In the present...

"Uh, R-Rupert? I'm going to go back to the room. I don't feel well." I say

"Oh, don't worry, Laura. I'll tell the staff members so you can move on with me." Rupert walks off.

I never intended to go to the room. I needed a long walk away from here.

I wait until the matches of Round 1 are up and then I go into the new dig site. No one is there. I go deep into the jungle to sit down and think things through so I don't explode.

The bushes rustle behind me. I stop dead in my tracks. Whatever is in there has been following me.

"Don't worry, I am a friend." A male voice says. "I am here to ask you a question."

"Yes? What is it?" I ask. "And who are you?"

He comes out of the shadows. He has crimson and black hair with a star mark on one of his eyes. He has on clothes that have little skulls on them as decoration.

"My name is Cole, and I want you to help us save the islands... and possibly the whole world." I am sure I am blushing.

"Sure... but... from what?"

"Just come with me... Laura. All will be explained." Cole says.

He takes me to a cliff edge and throws a Dino Medal into the air.

Out comes a Ptera... or what looks like one. It's whole body is made out of bones and a black substance. The crest on it is a white moon that looks like it could slice steel in two. It's bright purplish pink eyes staring at me.

"Don't worry. She's a friend." Cole says. the Ptera lands and cries. "Hop on."

I jump on the boney Ptera. Even though it's bone, it's not so uncomfortable as I thought it would be.

"So, what is this vivosaur?" I ask.

"Oh, it's not a vivosaur." Cole replies.

"Then... what is it?"

"It's a boneysaur. Made out of bones and darkness."

"It's beautiful. I've never seen anything like it." I beam. Cole blushes and strokes the Ptera.

"This is a B-Ptera. We have many types of these guys."

We land around nighttime on a small island.

"Welcome to our base. This is Bonechip Island." Cole announces. I see four other people guarding the entrance. The B-Ptera returns into its Dino Medal.

We walk in the creepy doorway. There are skulls everywhere. It's kinda cool... We walk up a staircase. I see a guy with a green mohawk standing next to a T-Rex looking boneysaur. He stops what he's doing at takes a long look at me.

"Is this who Don said to get?" He asks.

"Yes." Cole responds. "She seems loyal. She likes B-Ptera."

"B-Ptera? I have one. Well I better come along with you." He grabs the Dino Medal of the T-Rex boneysaur.

We walk down a hallway that has skulls that have a eerie blue glow hanging from the ceiling. There is a girl standing in the corner messing with her hair. She stops what she's doing and comes to me.

"Your Laura, aren't you?" she asks. "I'm the groovy chick Lola. And it seems like you have met Cole and Lester." So it's Cole, Lester, and Lola.

"Well... You need to meet Don B now. Let's go."

We walk towards a door with a skull painted on it.

"Now." Lola starts. "Don't be afraid of Don B. He requested that you should come here. He needs you."

"What does he look like?" I ask.

"Like I said: 'Don't be afraid'." She simply responds.

I walk in the door with the others behind me. It's like the other room, but bigger and better. At the end of the room stands a moving skeleton with a black and white cape, and a crown with a red gem in the middle. Something tells me that this guy is real and living... And something familiar... maybe... no that can't be right...

"Ah, my most trusted commanders! You have brought Laura I see." He starts. "I am Don Boneyard. So, Laura. We must meet in private. Please leave you three." Don Boneyard sends Cole and the others away.

(Warning! If you still are reading the book and have never played or seen someone else play the ending STOP READING! THIS GIVES MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR MY OTHER BOOK!!!!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK)

I go up to him.

"I have a secret." Don says.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I am..." He pauses and looks around as if someone were watching. "Joe Wildwest."

I almost fall off the side. "What did you say?"

"Now, I know it comes as a shock, but let me explain. You know of Jungle Labyrinth, right? Well, I was exploring the area I found a pyramid. I went inside the pyramid and found a chest. I opened the chest and a skull flew out. It hit me in the head and I woke up like this." The skull part of him jumps out onto the platform I am sitting on. "Just a skull. I'm trying to save the world."

"From what?"

"Zongazonga. That chest that I opened had Zongazonga's head inside. There is a legend about the Caliosteo Islands where Zongazonga controlled his people and held tournaments like our Caliosteo Cup. Well-"

I interrupt him"I can see where you are going with this. Before coming here I read up on the history of this island. Zongazonga, the body snatcher, can live forever by stealing bodies. Zongazonga is in your body, so we have to stop the Caliosteo Cup... the winner... is going to be the new Zongazonga."

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