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Rupert's POV

Where is she? I head back to the room. I went to Jungle Labyrinth but she wasn't there. I open the door to our room.


There is a letter on her bed.

"Dear Rupert,

I'm sorry. I can't be here right now. I am not in the Caliosteo Cup anymore. Don't look for me. I hope you can understand.

Please don't tell Father.

Also, come to the Jungle Labyrinth at 10:00 tomorrow night. It will be the last time you see me for a while.

Your loving sister,

For once I actually cry. She's the only thing keeping me together here, and now she's gone!

My Paliopager rings to tell me about the next Caliosto match. There's one way I can message her!

I start typing.

"Dear Laura,

I accept you request for the Jungle Labyrinth at 10:00. Don't worry I won't tell dad. I'll miss you, Laura.

Your ONLY brother,

Laura's POV

I read that message. Oh, now he's just trying to make me feel bad. You know what? I'm I throw my Paliopager on the ground.

"But this IS my only contact with Rupert.."

Rupert's POV

I head out to Jungle Labyrinth. I go into a clearing and gasp. My sister is in there with a totally new outfit. Black. Literally like her old one, but black. Small skulls are stitched to her clothing. Black bat wings protrude from her back. She has a crimson and black painted scar over her right eye. She holds a black Dino Medal, ready to throw. Kind of like my stance. Tears start to form.

"Laura." I start but I don't get far into my sentence.

Laura's POV

Rupert stops his sentence and starts bawling.
I could only watch in horror as Rupert doubles over on the ground, wailing his heart out.

I go over to him and hug him. He gets up and starts speaking.

"Laura. Where have you been? It's been a day now, and I haven't seen you. And... what's with your clothing?" Rupert asks.

"I have been on Bonechip Island. And you like it? It's the new fashion I'm starting." I respond.

He awkwardly looks at me. "And the Dino Medal?"

"Oh! It's my B-Mapo, do you like it?"


"Ha! If you keep in the Cup you won't know about these. But..." I start. Cole jumps out of the foliage. "If you come with us, we can save the islands. If you stay in the Cup... I will have to battle you. Its for the sake of the world. You wouldn't understand."

"B-but Father would be furious."

"It's either me... or Father, you chose."

Rupert only stands there silent. Then he speaks. "I will see you again, Laura... someday." Rupert runs off.

Cole comes over and hugs me. For once I don't object. I have succumbed to the sadness that haunted me years ago. I get up and growl.


"He won't listen to you, Laura. He'll try to stop you." Cole says.

"Not if I have something to do about it."

I throw a B-Ptera and hop on. Cole soon follows, knowing that I will be stronger than Lola, and possibly... scarier. We fly to Bonechip island and I jump from the B-Ptera with Cole landing the boneysaur soon after.

I recall my boneysaur and barge inside. Lester is eating a hamburger, laughing, and watching his B-Rex chase a B-Lambeo. Lola is chewing gum, training her newest boneysaur, B-Jara, to fly.

"Lester!" I snap. "Shut up, burger down. Lola!" She winces. "Your doing a good job training B-Jara, but we have more important things to do." I run up the stairs with Cole at my heals. I didn't snap at him, because he knows I mean business.

Entering the hallway to Don's room my wings unfold into their true size. Which is around seven feet across. I put them in fourth position. There are four positions for my wings. First position is when my wings are folded and put away, usually during high winds and high water force so it won't damage the wings. Second position where they are unfolded to half their size. Third position which is when the wings are fully opened and out to the left and right side of me (looking like a bird that is landing). And fourth position is where the wings trail behind me.

"Don Boneyard." I start.

"Yes, Laura?"

"All is fair in love and war. And this is definitely war. We will attack this round, we will attack with force, WE WILL SHOW! NO! MERCY!!!!"

Don laughs evilly. "Any idea how to start this?"

"We start small and then go large." I respond.

"And... last resort?"

"IF it gets to there we will work together. First off, scare the fighters a little, see if they break. If not... then we will go by strength to see who's idea goes first. It depends on your boneysaurs."

"So. What do we do to break them?" Lester asks.

"Hm... Well they have unlocked a place called Mt. Krakanak. A volcano... we'll shake them up a little first. Throw a bolder their way, then watch the domino effect. It's bound to work."

"Good plan, Laura." Don says. "We'll see how they act. If they act strong, then we will go offensive."

The four of us exit the room. We stand in a circle. I grin.

"To villainy!" I cheer.

"To villainy!" They respond. Even though I know we aren't doing evil.

Fossil Fighters Champions: Siblings and FriendsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant