A Time of Strength

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"Laura! A plan!" Cole screeches and slams into my bedroom wall.

"Huh..?" I push my head off my pillow. "R-Rupert? Is that you?"

"No, it's Cole. You fell asleep. Also I have a plan."

"Wh-what..?" I don't remember any of this. I turn over and look up at the ceiling. My memories come flowing back, giving me a headache. "Ow!"

"You okay, Laura..?" Coke asks.

"Ye-yeah... Just a headache..." It was much more than that. My whole body hurt. And I had this weird feeling in my gut, it's telling me somethings not right... Those two kids... Dave and Todd... No... It's something else... "Um, auhhh... What's your plan..?"

"Okay, so we get, all the girls, right, we kidnap them, and since the girls will be gone, the guys will all, like not want to compete in the Cup. Like it?"

I'm to tired to argue with that plan. It's a little degrading, but I hurt and I'm not about to get in a fight with someone so ho- someone so bland.

Oh, he's not bland... He's adorable...

Cole's POV

"Uh, sure. You can go..."

"Yes!" I run out of the room screaming, "I TOLD YOU LOLA!"

"What?" Lola swivels around.


"Wait, your stupid, sexist plan?"

"Uhmmm... Yeah..."

"Why the crap would she say yes?! SHE'S FEMALE HERSELF!"

"I dunno," A voice comes from behind me.

"Lester, go away," I snap.

"Pffffft. Your plan won't work. I've already been thinkin' and I have a plan that will-"

My eyes widen. "Don't you dare say-"


"Lester, GO AWAY!" Lola claws the air.


Her eyes narrow. "What?"

"N. O. No."

I go pale. He did not! Oh he did all right.


I turn to the foolish person. "Lester, run," I whisper.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan."

We slowly turn around. And RUN.


"I'M TRYING!!!" He throws out a B-Rex. "GET HER, KILLER!"

The shadowed monster roars, stopping Lola in her tracks.

"Oh, sh-"

The boneysaur takes a swing of its jaws at her. She screeches and throws out her B-Jara.

We run out of the building.

"I hate leaving Laura back there, but I don't like Lola when she's mad..."

"Yeah, that-that may have been a bad call..."

Laura's POV

"So Lester then proceeded to throw his B-Rex at me, and I fended it off with with my B-Jara. Then when I was fighting it, those two dorks ran off." Lola pouts.

"Heh, they would run away."

A knock comes to the door.

"Come in." I sigh.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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