Through the TV (Part 2) Per-so-na...

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Time to enter the TV! For action for adventure! It's time for the story to kick into a full gear performance! Y/N Dojima, Yu Narukami, Youske Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, and now even Naoto Shirogane will enter through the TV world! Let's make some History and reach out for the truth!
(Quick author's note!, This is where the story begins to change heavily most of the games dialogue will be completely changed and or not shown, meanwhile the killer (Well I've decided that Adachi will be a good boi he still has his own sins to make up for) will be changed including some of the less important things)

Narukami Pov (School)

04/14/2011 (After School)

I had so many thoughts running through my head, Y/N? A killer? No I refuse to believe that... He seemed to tired last night.... C-could it be from carrying a body? No stop thinking like that Narukami... Y/N wouldn't do something like this.... Right? I've only known him a few days...

Before I could run through the thoughts in my head again I seen Yosuke approach me.

Yosuke: Hey Narukami? Could I talk to you?

I turned to face him

Yu: It's about the midnight channel isn't it?

Yosuke stood silent for a bit before he actually answered with a nod

Yosuke:... It's just.... That was Y/N wasn't it?

Yu: It was him... I couldn't tell what he was wearing on that show...

Yosuke: That wasn't all.... Saki senpai was on there wasn't she? She looked like she was in pain....

Chie had overheard the conversation and decided to join us.

Chie: You guys seen him on there too? And saki hasn't shown up today....

Yosuke: ... No way... I refuse to think that Y/N is a murderer, he's been there for us when we needed him and we need to be there for him now!.....right?

Yosuke looked between to the two hopefully for some reinforcement on his trust... He found it in Narukami thankfully

Yu: Yeah... I agree even if I've known him for just a few days he doesn't seem like someone who would have done anything...

Chie didn't say anything...but she nodded to affirm her belief in Y/N

Yosuke: Right... I think we need to find out a way to prove Y/N's innocent. But how do we-

The three were interrupted by a text to their phones first Yu, then Chie, and finally Yosuke they all pulled them out to check, Y/N had texted them telling them "Hey, I think we should meet at Junes soon, I have someone I want you to meet" the three had looked between each other and all nodded texting him back that they'd meet him there.

Yosuke: Well... this is our chance to ask him where he was last night right?

Yu nodded and answered

Yu: It's our best option.

The three got their thing's together and had began the walk to Junes

Time skip!

Y/N Pov (Junes)

I was looking at my wrist watch well waiting outside of Junes, I had an average T-shirt and my school blazer over it waiting for everyone to show up lucky enough the first to arrive was my favorite detective...besides my dad of course

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