First day, First problem's

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Ah here it is part 4 of Persona 4 X male reader insert. Now Golden Truth (Persona 4 X Male Reader Insert). Nothing much changing here. Just some of the characters dialogue will Y/N now showing Yu to school will reveal more history about Y/N'S life that he missed during the Past 16 years of not actually existing in persona 4. With that said Let's Reach Out For The Truth!
Chapter commence!
Third person pov

Y/n was having an entirely different dream from the one he'd just had. He, Youske and Chie where all walking home from school, although they didn't seem to be the exact same age, they all seemed younger although not by much, around fifteen to maybe fifteen and a half years old to be. They were in the middle of a conversation

Y/N: Ah well I thinks it's awesome being friend's with the daughter of the owners of the Amagi inn, they are one of the few reasons we see new faces around Inaba you know, Chie.

Chie: I guess but I'm not friends with her just because of that.

Youske: Is it cause her family's like really rich and can get you nice stuff?

Chie then proceeded to knock Youske on the head

Chie: I just said that wasn't the reason Youske!

Youske: O-ow! I was messing around Chie, honest.

Y/N: Sure you were Youske, oh my turns up ahead dad should have picked up Nanako by now. I'll see you two later

Youske: See ya around Y/N

Chie: By Y/N, see ya tomorrow

With that Y/N split off from Youske and Chie

Y/N pov

Both Yu and I had woken up from our dreams. I looked around, yep this is our room alright... What was up with that dream I had? Everyone seems to know who I am to some extent, but Youske and Chie, we seem to be friend's and have been for awhile now. Is this how I'll make sure to remember my life in this world?

Yu: Y/N-San... You had the same dream last night right?

Y/N: That path and the door, if that's what you mean? Then yes I had the exact same dream.

Yu: Something about it seemed, almost to real didn't it?

Y/N: Your telling me. That was almost life like.

Yu: Yeah... We should probably get up and get dressed, no use in delaying it

Y/N: Of course! Today's a school day, we gotta move so we aren't late.

Yu: Well I don't think we have that much reason too worry as long as we don't get lost, we should be right on time.

Y/N:... Yeah your probably right but I gotta make breakfast Dad usually doesn't have time when he get's back from an investigation, and well Nanako has had me to help her through her whole life so... Yeah.

Yu: Ah then don't let me keep you, we all need a healthy breakfast before school.

Yu's pov

Yu's thoughts:I felt myself grow more of an understanding with Y/N, his bound with his family and maybe side of him he hasn't shown me yet. It's interesting but I've felt like I've know him a lot longer than I've been here.

I pondered to myself for a bit... But I should brush it off for now. It might just be because we're family after all.

Y/N went down stairs after getting dressed for school, I should do the same, I got my clothes out of my bag and chang into them. Then I heard Nanako call me down for dinner

Golden Truth (Persona 4 X Male Reader Insert)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora