Important Poll!

756 10 18

This is something that will determine the future of the story, I want to know something important and have to thank cave_dude for this whole idea which could definitely be interesting in the story. (Quick note. No art used is mine and if it was I'd bring it up)
Do you want
A. Adachi to be the murder still


B. Want Adachi to be a good boi

If it's the second option I'd like to make a sort of short extra chapter to the story and if not then well I'll continue like normal either one is alright by me but the second one adds more options to change the story

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If it's the second option I'd like to make a sort of short extra chapter to the story and if not then well I'll continue like normal either one is alright by me but the second one adds more options to change the story.

But until next time we gotta Reach Out For The Truth!

Golden Truth (Persona 4 X Male Reader Insert)Where stories live. Discover now