An uninteresting life and an invitation

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Third person pov

Y/N's school day had ended and he was walking home listing to song Mass destruction from the persona 3 soundtrack on his Phone with his ear buds, well his friend had tried to talk to him about the upcoming Persona 5 Royal.

Friends name: Heyyyyy, earth to Y/N.

Y/N Took out his ear buds and turns to his friend

Y/N: Hm? What's up?

Friends name: I was asking if you were gonna get Persona 5 Royal when it comes out?

Y/N shook his head no which made Friends name title his head

Y/N: I just want to finish Persona 4 before I go playing the next game. No skipping game's

Friends name: Really then? Well I gotta commend your commitment to that.

He laughed before his Girlfriend caught up with them

Y/N pov

Oh it's F/N's Girlfriend, she's an alright person, kinda like everyone else in the town nothing to point out, at least to me

F/N's Girlfriend: Hey F/N, Y/N
how's it going

Y/N: Oh you know-

F/N: Same old, same old

F/N'S Girlfriend: Talking about Persona? I've been trying to get into the series, but I don't exactly find Rpg games very interesting.

Me and F/N Jokingly Recoiled in disgust at her statement, she just had a giggle to answer our little joke, this is usually how things are were all friend's and we all enjoy talking to each other, although sometimes I fell left out of the conversation as they talk about their relationship more than anything else, I personally don't have a Girlfriend not that I don't find them attractive or anything, just none have interested me.

F/N: Hey isn't this your bus stop?

Y/N: wha?

I looked around and seen the bus stop I use to get to school on time and to get back home, I sighed

Y/N: So it is, I guess I'll wait here, shouldn't be too long until the bus get's here, Talk to you on the phone later?

F/N: You got it, stay safe. I gotta talk to someone about Persona 5 Royal.

He was clearly joking about it I just ignore it and wish him a safe trip back with his girlfriend. Now I wait for the bus.....

Third person pov

Only 5 minutes later the bus had come and Y/N got on ready for the nearly 20 minute long ride home putting back on his earbuds this time he listened to Last train home by Pat Metheny Group-W. By the time he got home he'd litsen to 3 other songs before getting off and walking the rest of the way home. Looking at the drive way nither of his parent's car's were there Y/N was used to this being an only child with parents that work nearly exclusively late shifts for extra money, he'd become alot more self sufficient than some kid's at his age.

Y/N: Hmmm maybe I'll make some waffles for a snack. Yeah that sounds...grate...

Y/N Yawns, suddenly tired

Golden Truth (Persona 4 X Male Reader Insert)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora