Don't leave Me

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"Please hold on. Please, I can't lose you now" I quietly sobbed into my sleeve while I held his hand.

Two months earlier.
"Last one there is a rotten egg" my brother Kieran and I were racing to the nearest arcade. Kieran was, three years older than 14 year old me, but he was my best friend. I didn't have many friends in school but Kieran was always there to be with me.
"Run faster, Ryan, move those short legs" I was also almost a foot shorter than him and he never let me live it down.
I came up to the arcade while Kieran was leaning against the wall. He beat me, again. But it's okay because I hold the highest score on Space Invaders and Centipede and I don't expect to lose that anytime soon. After two hours of gaming we headed home to mom cooking some chicken wings and hamburgers. Kieran and I exchanged looks. The only time mom cooked good food for us, meant she had some news to break.
We hesitantly sat down to dinner and started eating out burgers.
"So boys,"
Here it comes. I thought.
"Your father and I have been apart for almost two years now, and I think it's time I've moved on. Tomorrow night, my boyfriend Steve is coming over to have dinner with us and I expect you on your best behavior."
"Yes mom." We said in unison. We finished our food, finished our summer homework and got ready for bed. Kieran and I share a room in our small 2 bedroom house.
"Hey Kier?"
"Yes Ry?"
"Do you miss dad?"
"Is he ever coming back?"
"I think he has a family of his own now and he's moved on"
"And I think it's time we move on too. Goodnight Ry"
"Goodnight Kier"
I missed dad a lot. I wish he was still here. At least I have Kieran.

Two months later.
"Where is he?" I screamed at the nurse.
"Room 369" I sprinted down the hall and saw him lying there, tubes coming out of everywhere. Surrounded by machines. It broke my heart to see.

Two months earlier
"Boys. This is Steve. Steve, this is Kieran and Ryan"
"It's nice to finally meet you, your mother talks about you quite a lot"
"It's nice to finally meet you too Steve." My brother was a lot nicer than me. Me on the other hand, I felt some disdain towards this Steve. I don't know I just didn't trust him that much. My mom nudged me.
"It's nice to meet you too Steve" I put on a fake grin.
Dinner was fine. Steve seemed like the boring stereotypical middle aged divorcee looking for a new wife. But I guess you work with what you have. That night Kieran spoke to me about how I was acting.
"Is everything okay?"
I brushed him off. "Yes everything's fine" I didn't feel like talking to him at the moment.
"Okay. If anything happens just come to me and I'll gladly help."
"Thanks kier. Good night"

Two months later.
"What do you mean he might not make it??"
I couldn't believe this. The nurse walked out and The news settled in. I felt my heart pounding in my chest. My breathing was heavy. "No no no no" I started to cry. "Please don't take him" I wasn't very religious but at this point, God was my only hope.

One month earlier.
Kieran and I were on our skateboards on the way to school. For once, I was winning. I skidded to a stop in front of Harding High School. Kieran joined me shortly after.
"And remember if anyone tries to bother you. Just let me know" I nodded. It was my first day of high school, I was a freshman and Kieran was a senior. We went our separate ways since it was impossible for us to have any classes together. My first period was bio and on my way to my locker I was already having problems.
"Look at this kid. What a geek" three boys approached me while I was by my locker. With my square glasses I supposed I might get bullied.
"You're right Mike, and your glasses don't look clean enough. Here lemme have 'em" the second one reached for my glasses but I ducked out of the way.
"C'mere you little—"
"Hey Ry, these guys causing you trouble?" I saw Kieran stride down the hall towards me. With his sharp jawline and muscles I also supposed he looked pretty intimating to my bullies. He put his arm around my shoulders and stared at Mike and his friends.
"I mean. Yes. Very much so Kier."
"Who's this?" Mike said less confident than before.
"I'm his older brother and if you so much as lay a finger on my bro here. You won't live to see 1990. Got it?" They all nodded and walked away.
"Thanks Kier."
"No prob little bro. Now I got to get to class. Catch you later"
I waves goodbye to him and headed to bio. After Kieran set the boys straight I didn't have much trouble throughout the day. Although there was A LOT of homework. After school Kieran and I rode out skateboards home. I saw he was deep In thought so i asked him what's up.
"I met this girl."
"Shut it. You wanted to know. But she's in my Chem class and she's so nice and pretty. I don't know but she smiled at me sometimes"
"Someone's in love" I teased him. 
"Shut up!" He laughed at me and I joined in.
We arrived home to another car in our driveway. Thats odd. I thought. We went inside and found Steve sitting with mom at the table. Something shined on her finger. That's when it hit me. I bolted upstairs. "No no no no no. This can't be happening"
Kieran interrupted my thoughts "ry, mom wants you back downstairs"
I nodded my head and walked downstairs.
"Ryan, that was not very nice of you to not say hi to Steve before running upstairs."
"I'm sorry" I murmured.
"It's okay son."
"Please don't call me that" I said weakly. This guy was coming in out of no where trying to replace dad.
"Oh my bad. Anyways as you can see your mother and I are getting married. Isn't that delightful?"
Kieran smiled and shook his head. I attempted to put on a fake grin. After dinner I went to my room and cried. Everything was changing and I hated it.

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