What the heck?!

18 7 15

"Let's not just stand here, let's go home bring Taehyung body so we can have a proper funeral," Namjoon says breaking the sobs.

"Ya, ok" Jungkook mutters. 

He then carefully picks up Taehyung's body and carries it bridal style. 

We continue walking from the direction Yoongi and Hoseok came from when all we see is forest all around us.

"Wait didn't we come from that way I'm sure," Yoongi says confused. 

"That's what I thought too but I guess not," Hoseok replies. 

That's when my phone goes off with a loud ding with this was written. 



"Again this shitz?!" I exclaim 

"It's Base64 again," Namjoon says.

That's when my phone lost reception again.

"Someone's out there watching us and it's not gonna be good," Seokjin says. 

"Yup," I say nervously. 

"Can guy check if your phone has any service here cause mine and Y/n's went out," Jimin asks 

"Nope, still no service it's so weird how service comes in and out," Jungkook said. 

"Hey we should get going to the car or it will be dark soon," Namjoon says.

We wandered around in every direction but we were yet to find the road. 

"We have been wandering around for hours now and it's already dark we should find shelter," Seokjin says.

"What about Taehyung, what should do with him?" Jungkook asks Taehyung now over his shoulder.  

"Jungkook we might have to leave Taehyung here," Yoongi says with remorse and grief in his voice.

Jungkook lets out a loud sob and squeaks out "No I can't learn him he's my best friend since we were little."

"We can give him a proper burial in the morning if you want," I suggest. 

"T-that would be nice," Jungkook says through sniffles. 

~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Jimin's Jams~~~~~~~~~

I woke up the next morning and I saw Taehyung wide awake and well and we were out of the forest. 


"Y/n Y/n are you ok what happened." Taehyung rushes up to me and hugs me. 

"You... you were dead last night how when," I said my brain confused.

"Y/n what happened," Seokjin says as if he didn't see Taehyung alive and healthy. 

"She probably got a nightmare about the woods of death," Jungkook said cooly.

It was all a dream just a bad dream

"Oh my god, I had a dream where we went in there and we got weird Base64 code and Taehyung died, but it felt so real," I say sighing in relief.

"Anyway if we wanna get there and explore before dark we better start going now," Namjoon states.

"Can we bring walkie-talkies just in case there is no reception?" Taehyung says.

"And knives and/or guns," I say.

They all look at me like I'm crazy.

"What? It's the woods of death we are going to after all." I say. 

"True enough," Hoseok says. 

"Yah who's gonna walk up Yoongi he's still asleep," Seokjin says. 

"I will," Jungkook says.

This is exactly how my dream went, I must be paranoid or something


So I'm gonna be posting short chapters but around once or twice a week so I don't bore y'all to dead btw what do you think is gonna happen tell me in la comments.

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