●I'm coming●

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The city was occupied with the terrible wail of ambulance which rushed to the accident spot to carry the injured. A bus hit a young man on the busiest road of the city. He injured his head and lost a lot of blood which makes him hard to survive.

He was carried and taken to the hospital. His family members and  friends also reached hearing the news.

He was taken straight to the ICU as a number of doctors and nurses also went in. The red light over the ICU door was on. Everyone outside the room was crying and praying for their dear person inside. His friend, Jimin was trying to calm Yoongi's parents down. But he knew it wasn't possible as their only son was in this situation.

There was another family waiting and praying for Yoongi. They had already lost their child a few days ago. They couldn't bear anymore to see the most important person of their late daughter fade away just like her.

The atmosphere outside the ICU room was heavy and gloomy. But inside, it was very calm and full of sincerity. The doctors were trying their best to save the patient. But what was going on inside the person lying on the bed with a lot of tubes going inside his body??

I opened my eyes. Where am I? Is it a room? How can it be a room? It has no start, no end. No door, no window. It was enlightened with soft white light. But no one knows the source of the light. The place had a smell of peace, just like my Y/N. It has another thing. A sweet melody, that my Y/N used to hum.

I hurrily stood up and look around to see my beautiful woman. I haven't seen her for days. I miss her so much. I just wanna see her one more time and forever. I wanna hug her tight and never let her go. But where is she?? She's nowhere around!! Then how did I hear her voice??

But suddenly I felt a flash of bright light flashed behind me. I quietly turned around but couldn't open my eyes due to bright light. After some time of adapting to the light I opened my eyes a little. There an angel standing in front of me wearing a white gown. An angel. Wait...is it Y/N?? Yes!! It's my Y/N!! But why does she look so different!! She is emitting a different kind of beauty. It's beyond explanation. It's ethereal.

"Y/N...." I said with desperation.

"You are here??" She said with her as usual soft voice. Her voice made my eyes teary. I missed the voice so much.

I wanted to say a lot of things to her. I wanted to ask her why did she leave me all alone, why didn't she stay with me. I wanted to let her know how I felt without her, how much I suffered. But I couldn't. Nothing left my mouth. I could only mutter "I missed you."

"I know." She said and smiled.

"Let's go back Y/N. We'll live happily like before. We'll be the happiest couple. We'll be each other strength. We'll love each other like it's the end of the world. Just come back to me." I said with longing in my eyes.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Why not?"

"Yoongi-ah... I just need you love. No matter where we stay, your love is enough for me."

"What do you mean? Just come with me. We'll go back."

"I can't go back to where we came from. I live in the unknown world now."

"If you can't, then I'll come to you. I'll go to where you'll be." I said sternly.

"Dear, you are forgetting something." She said clearly trying to indicate something.

"W-what? I only know we promised to stay together."

"Yes, we promised to stay together. Give me you right hand." She extended her hand to take mine. I gave me hand being confused. She pointed at a mark on the side of the hand under my thumb. It was my birth mark. But why was she indicating it?

"Do you remember it now?" She started, "Our love, our promise, our fate, the answer, this mark is the symbol of everything."

I didn't understant anything. But it felt like some power possessed me. I could only see her, hear her and do only what she says.

She continued as she hold my hand tightly, "We'll be together. But we're not going back from where came. You are going with me. I am here to take you with me."

She finished as the wind around us started to blow very hard. The soft light became unstable. I had to close my eyes and everything went blur.

Everyone inside the ICU started to panic. The condition of the patient worsened. It seemed like he was giving up. He didn't want to continue his life anymore.The monitor showed his unstable condition. He could anytime give up now. The people outside ICT guessed something tragic is going to happen as they saw the hurry  of the doctors and nurses. They were crying, praying and preparing themselves for any type of news any moment.

I'm coming to you, Y/N. I don't wanna stay in the world where there's no you. I'm not going to stay without you. I'm coming.

The monitor showed a straight line with a monotonous beep indicating that a life had fallen out off this world.

The doctors came out of the room hanging down their head. "Sorry, we couldn't make it."

The world stopped for a moment for the people eagerly waiting for out the room. They fell silent. The silence broke with a sob of Yoongi's mother.

They had nothing to do except for bading good bye to their son forever. And wishing for good for his afterlife, with his loved one.

No one can win over what's written in fate. No matter what we do, it will happen. Fate will continue it's game hurting countless people. The fate of Yoongi and Y/N was written tragically. The cruel fate took them away from this world, maybe to put then in another world, the world of cloud, the world of sky, the world of unknown.


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