Chapter Eight - In Case You Didn't Know

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  I can't believe it. I'm actually going to be a dad. My crush is pregnant. With my kid. I still feel absolutely guilty about everything that Andy's going through, since all of it happens to be my fault, but I am literally so happy right now. I could go scream the news from the top of the highest building to let the world know. 

  Andy had ended up crying herself to sleep in my arms. She looked so peaceful. Her brown hair was spread down her shoulders and her arms were limp, resting around my neck. God, she's beautiful. I bet our kid will be too. Or kids. Twins do run in my family, and being a twin myself, it's pretty likely that we could have a set. I kind of hope we don't. My mom, when she actually talked to us, told Lilly and I how painful it was having the two of us. Andy is already bad off as it is. I don't want a pair of twins making it worse. But who knows. Having more than one kid would be awesome. Maybe one day, I thought as I looked down at Andy's chest as it rose and fell down with every breath she took.

  "Hey Preston-" Lilly swung open the door and froze. I looked up and smiled as tears streamed down her face as she saw Andy. "Andy...." She breathed. Lilly dropped whatever was in her hands and ran towards me. She then knelt down and hugged Andy.

  "Lilly!" Andy exclaimed, scaring me. Andy turned herself so she could get a better grasp on my sister.

  "Oh my god Andy," Lilly said through her tears. "Where were you?"

  "I was only a few blocks from here," Andy replied. I noticed that she two was crying.

  "I missed you." Lilly broke away from the hug. "And it looks like you two got caught up on things already." Lilly motioned her hand from Andy to me.

  "Yeah." Andy chuckled. Instead of getting up, like I thought she would, Andy just leaned into my chest.

  "Aww how cute." Lilly smirked. In reply, I picked up the nearest pillow to me and chucked it at her. "Hey!"

  "Oh it's on." Andy glared at me before she got up and grabbed a pillow, slamming it on my head. 

  "Hey! You're supposed to be on my side here!" I laughed to Andy, rolling over to avoid the pillow that was about to hit me.

  "It's every man for themselves." Andy declared before we all erupted into a full out pillow fight.

  "This is war!" Lilly yelled as she swung at Andy. Andy put her arm up just in time to block the hit. She then twisted her arm and stole the pillow from Lilly's grasp. "Uh oh." was Lilly's response before Andy smacked her in the face.

  We continued playing for a while, just the three of us.

  "Ow!" Andy screamed as she fell to the ground, gripping her stomach.

  "Andy?!" Lilly and I both ran over to her.

  "I..." She started before grabbing a pillow near her, and proceeded to smack Lilly and I. "Win." She smiled at the sight of Lilly and I on the floor.

  "Andy! No fair! You scared us!" Lilly retaliated as she stood up.

  "Yeah, that was mean." I got up and dusted myself off.

  "I know." She smiled, proud of herself. "One of the perks of being pregnant." She placed a hand over her stomach.

  "She is so going to use that for her advantage." Lilly whispered at me.

  "Yeah." I chuckled under my breathe.

 "Heck yes I am." Andy grinned.

 "You are one heck of a pregnant lady." Lilly laughed and patted Andy on the shoulder.

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