Chapter ten

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Ururaka stared at the ground, not moving a single inch. She was there to see how he was doing. The brunette was still holding onto the hope that she isn't the one responsible for Midoriya's accident.

"I-I just wanted to-to see you." Midoriya felt so disgusted, he was in that hospital bed because of her but at the same time how can he be angry? Maybe she didn't see the car.

"Ururaka...I don't know what to tell you." Midoriya sat up and sighed, he looked over at Ururaka who was still staring at the ground not moving a muscle. He slid his hand underneath bakugou's shirt and traced circles on his back, he wasn't sure what to tell her.

"You don't have to say anything, just tell me if you are okay..."

"I am."

"Great!" He flung her head to face Midoriya and that's when she saw him, Bakugou laying there, sleeping, and Midoriya's hand underneath his shirt.

"B-B-b-b-bakugou?!" Bakugou hummed aggressively and flipped over, she grabbed onto the hand Midoriya was tracing circles with and kissed the ring finger lightly.

"Kaachan..." Midoriya smiled down at him, Ururaka had quite enough, she stormed over and clawed Midoriya's shoulder.

"THAT IS MY LOVE! NOT YOURS!" She used his shoulder and threw him onto the ground with a loud, thud! Bakugou just hummed quietly, he was a heavy sleeper.

"There, there Bakugou. I'm here." She caressed his hair softly, she smiled warmly. Midoriya's hip was already achy because of the accident now it hurts even more since he landed right on his hip bone. He groaned in pain, Midoriya was willing to forgive her but now she really is gonna get it.

"Awww little Deku! You really thought Bakugou was gonna be yours." She knelt down closer to Midoriya, he flinched and stared right into her eyes. Her eyes shined anger, hatred but he couldn't help but think a part of her regrets all of this.

"I should have just pushed you in front of a bus." She giggled and grabbed onto his chin roughly, she pulled him to look right at her. He swung his head and looked away from her, he was ashamed to ever call her a friend.

"Bakugou is mine." That's when rustling was heard from the bed, Ururaka turned around and stared at the not-moving silhouette, Midoriya just kept his stare at the ground. Ururaka walked closer, she tugged onto Bakugou's shirt. Her heart was pounding, she pulled Bakugou's shirt and he flopped over in a view to where Ururaka can see his full face.

"Bakugou?..." Bakugou's sleeping face was faltering, he started to smile a bit. That's when Midoriya broke out laughing, which caused Bakugou to laugh too. Ururaka wide-eyed just looked at the both of them dying of laughter.

"Oh my god! She fell for it!" Midoriya wheezed and coughed, Bakugou grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"B-Babe stop! I-My stomach hurts a-and my h-h-h-hip!" He stuttered trying to turn his laughter into words, Bakugou just laughed at his attempt.

"W-W-Wait! What's going on?!" Ururaka frantically yelled out, she was so confused the two were laughing. Wasn't Bakugou asleep?

"You fell for it, Dumbass! I got you caught in 4k!" He pulled out his phone and showed a recording of her confessing and wanting to hurt him or kill him. She gasped and her attempt to take the phone off his hands failed.

"P-Please Bakugou!"

"Nope! You mess with Deku, you mess with me!" Midoriya's hip still ached, he tried to pull himself up but failed. Bakugou noticed and rushed to his side, he grabbed his arm and wrapped it around his shoulder, and helped him stand up. 

"Ururaka you'll face charges." Bakugou wanted to murder her for touching his Deku. As long as he's there, no one will hurt him ever.

" h-h-hip hurts." Bakugou walked him over to the bed and laid him down, Ururaka just watched not being able to say or do anything. All she wanted was Bakugou to love her.



"Ochaka Ururaka, you're arrested for the attempted murder of Izuku Midoriya."

"No, I didn't mean to hurt him! All I wanted was Bakugou to love me!"

"You have the right to remain silent, anything will and can be used against you.." The policemen dragged her out of the studio while every watched. Their eyes following the policemen as they left the studio, Ururaka knew she had a right to remain silent but she didn't. She screamed, pleaded, and cried to be let go but to no success, the policemen threw her on the back of a cop car.

The silence dawned on them once the cop cars left with their noisy sirens leaving nothing but silence to the rest of the band.

"Well...what now?"

"I don't know" Momo gripped tighter on her clipboard, who knew accepting Midorya bring so much drama into the band.

"Come on everyone back i-"

"IZU!" Kirishima yelled out into the parking lot at seeing the sight of Midoriya walking up to the band lightly grabbing Bakugou's arm.

"MIDORIYA!" The entire group ran up to the couple and separated them both, they all crowded around Midoriya.

"HEY! IDIOTS! THAT'S MINE!" He aggressively smacked Midoriya's head, they all laughed instantly, who knew they would finally get together. 

"Congrats!" They were all happy, celebrating and finally a big family.

Don't worry I am actually planning on having at least 15 chapters in this story, Next update will come out as soon as possible. Remember to smile and remember you are worth it don't settle for less.
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