Chapter Three

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I shrugged off the invisible pressure on my shoulders and continued walking. I could see the forest, which was a few miles away. The visible pine trees outstretched into the abyss of the night, like shadow tinted arrowheads that were about to release.

The sky was gradually growing darker, the early cyan dull and out of view. I kept my footsteps light whilst trekking over the concrete, and pulled my headphones out every few minutes, just to check for anybody around. Only a few cars had passed in that time, wait, what time was it now?

I opened my phone again, the light blazing from the screen.


I wish I turned the brightness down, it probably burnt my retinas. With a yawn, I continued along the pavement, until I reached a familiar dirt road, adorned in pebbles and uneven patches of gravel. Rings of dying grass looped around the footpath, which would eventually diffuse into a field. Three streetlights were there to erase the ghostly atmosphere, until the park could be seen just over the hill.

An unexpected smile crept onto my face, as I sprinted towards the playground area. Four lampposts guarded the fences, each around 10 metres away from eachother. The fences were made up of red iron bars. Rusted, but sturdy. The far end of the area was partially enveloped by an arc of trees, a variety of oak, pine, and birch. The playground was average; a set of swings, a tunnel slide, a climbing frame, a zipwire, and the typical tyre swing.

I slowed to a halt, admiring the scene that I'd missed for. . .a long ass time.

Then, that's when I saw it.

Hidden with a clump of leaves.

Encrusted with blood.

A single maroon slipper.

Ticci Toby x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now