Dang it!

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The cool breeze slices through the curtains and lands on my cheeks softly. Perfect evening for a music video. I grab my black jacket, but something stops me from wearing, something I thought could not end up here. I take the chain off my hoodie. It feels like I have seen it before but where. I-is this Zane's?! . Come on, I just have 20 minutes and it takes 14 minutes to get to the beach. Ugh I'll give it back later. I put the chain in the my pocket and rush through the door.

14 minutes later>

"Nora your here, we have bad news" Rina says with a troubled look on her pretty face.
"Hey, what's up, what is this bad news?" I ask
"Well the boy band you are collaborating with won't be here, not today" she says worried
"Ay, it's okay we'll do the shoot tomorrow, ok?" I say hoping it will clam her down.
"we can't, they have a concert" she looked quite sad
"listen how about we do it on the day they are free." I suggest
"they are free this Thursday but you have an appointment with the designer" she said looking at her ipad.
"cancel it, I'll design my own cloths" I give her smile
"You sure?" she looked concerned
I nod with a it's okay look
"tell everyone to go home and rest" looking at the others I say
she smiled and left. It's good to see you smile Rina, you work too much. I sigh and look at the others with a smile. Well at least I have more time to hand that chain over. I say goodbye to the team and drive away.

Zane's Mind

"Time to go" I hear Cameron say. I can't wait to get home and play some games. I grab my rings and my chain. But one of my chain isn't here. Wait it's my lock chain. Dang it!where is it. I look around but no, it's not here.
"Anyone seen my lock chain?" I ask hoping someone has seen it
"nope" Cameron says looking at me
I look at the others, they shake their head to say no.
"Is it the one we gave to you when you joined the group?" David asks
"Yeah.." my voice fades away
"look I know we promised each to keep the chain we gave each other but I think this an accepting situation" Josh said
"I guess..." I say
"C'mon it's not big of a deal what matters is that you are here" James comforts me
We head out of the room and leave the hospital. Dang it!

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