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Nora's mind

Wow that was wired I think and laugh a little.
"what's funny" Cameron asks
"The question" I say staring at him right in the blue ocean eyes. It feels so real and  like I'm about to drown in them I think
"Yeah that was funny" he said with a small giggle at the end.
Cameron  breaks the staring by looking at his phone.
" look at the time, I need to go" he says
"but it's raining outside" I say as I look outside
"Guess I'll have to deal with it" he said smiling and giving a I'll be fine look to me
" I'll drive you to your house" I say
" No it's good, I'll call for an uber" he said hesitantly
"C'mon " I say getting up
"Guess I have on choice." he said looking at me and smiling.
We walk through the garden sharing my umbrella and to my car. I unlock it and Cameron gets in then I do.
"where to?" I ask him
" to ***** of *****" he says looking outside
I hit the gas and zoom off .

After 12 minutes>
I come to a stop at a 2 floor house.
" Sweet house" I speak to him while looking at the house.
"Thanks" he says back
" wanna come in?" he asked as he was unbuckling his belt.
" No thanks" I say waving my hand as no
" I insist" he looks at me right in the eye.
*sigh* "Alright"I say.
I get my umbrella again and we walk to the front of the house.
We get in and I wasn't surprised to see all the others to be in the living room.
"Cameron!" James says from the sofa " Did you bring the cookies I asked for?"
" Sorry bro, I couldn't" Cameron says to James
"Actually, I brought some cookies from the cafe' " I say with a grin
" Yay!" James exclaims" wait but you are a stranger" he said
I take off my mask and reveal my face
"Nora Smith!" they all say together
" I'm your biggest fan!" David from the back interrupts.
"oh that's surprising. Anyways who is in for cookies"
"Us" they say
"Me" I hear Zane

Y'all i need some cookies
Hope you've enjoyed it so far.

Be strange💕

Ms.MysteriousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon