Could she be....

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I reach the hospital, then to the front desk.
"I'm here to visit Zane Hadrel" I say to the lady in the front  desk.
"Sorry ma'am but they left few hours ago" she said looking at her screen.
Screw it I think to myself.
"oh, well then I'll be living, thank you by the way" I say with smile
"Anytime and good night" she said and smiled
Then I left and drove off to a cafe' which is near my house. I park the car and walk through the little garden which leads to the cafe'. On the way a droplet of water lands on my nose, It's raining like the broadcast man said I take out my umbrella from my bag pack. I start walking again through the rain when I see a figure of someone.  I head to the figure's direction. It was Cameron, though I pretended I didn't know him cause why not.
"Need an umbrella,sir?" I ask
" Yes please, that's kind of you" The guy says
I shelter him with my umbrella from the rain.
" Thank you" the guy says with a smile
" You have a nice smile"  I say smiling back
" I could say the same to you too" he says back
And we walk towards the cafe'.
I introduce myself
" My name's Cameron" he says
"The name suits you" I compliment him.
I reach up till his chest. Blue eyes, a sweet smile, dirty blonde hair kept in one side.
" Is there somewhere you like to go?" I ask
" The Coffee Shine cafe'" He said looking at me with his blue eyes.

Cameron's Mind

The rain splattered on my head. great, just great. From the left path I see a figure. Then it walks towards my direction. As she gets closer I notice she was coming towards me.
"Need an umbrella,sir?" she  asked
" Yes please, that's kind of you" I says
she then sheltered  me with her umbrella from the rain.
" Thank you"I say with a smile
" You have a nice smile"  she says smiling back
" I could say the same to you too" I say back
And we walk towards the cafe'.
she introduced herself
" My name's Cameron" I say
"The name suits you" she  complimented  me. She looks damn beautiful I think. Dark brown eyes holding some elegant shine in it, black hair flowing down like a gentle river. Peach coloured lips. 
" Is there somewhere you like to go?" she asked
" The Coffee Shine cafe'" I say looking at her.
" Oh I'm heading there as well" she says with a little bit of joy Could she be....

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