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ok... I'm gonna change this story a lot, now don't worry the plot is gonna be the same but with a different approach if you know what I mean. 

here is the list of changes I'm planning to make.

1. getting rid of the abusive uncle.

Reason:  because it didn't really fit with the story too much and I don't know where I was going with it

2. adding Sebastion earlier on instead of later on 

Reason: makes more sense with Ciel's character 

3.  making the main character actually Ciel and not some weird crossover of him and Izuku

Reason: didn't really fit with the black butler theme 

4. not making Ciel overpowered  like he was in chapter 4

Reason: Because Ciel is smarter than he is strong, and again doesn't really fit with Ciel's character 

5. getting rid of all the chapters except chapter 1 and replacing them with the updated version 

6.  I will make an update schedule for this story,  for now, the update schedule will be every Sunday at around 7 pm est. ( this will most likely change depending  on how lazy I am but I will try to follow this schedule) 

ok, that is all the changes, for now,  pls comment on anything else you think should change or keep the same.  thank you and remember to drink your coffee!

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