2nd time at the hospital

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( Izuku's pov) 

As my vision finally came into focus I realised something .... wait.... this ceiling isn't familiar.... where am I?

about 15 min later  some Hobo looking man walked into the room

"well kid, the weird hobo looking man exclaimed " we weren't expecting you to wake up for another day or so"

"W... where am I?"  I asked in my hoarse voice   

"your in the hospital problem child,  where else did you think you would be?"

" I don't know,  hell? "  I jokingly said before I realized he didn't get the joke.  

"... well you will be released tomorrow,  I will come and get you tomorrow to escort you home"

"ok.. although there's gonna be no need to escort me home" I whispered while the hobo looking man just raised an eyebrow 

"hey Mr. hobo man, why are you here if I wasn't supposed to wake up for another day?" I asked half expecting for him to get mad.

"... 1 my name aint Mr. hobo man its Aizawa , 2. I ain't a hobo ethier,   3. I came because I felt like it."

"If you say so Mr. hobo looking man"  I joked

" sigh, ill see you tomorrow problem child"

" bye Mr. hobo looking man!"   I exclaimed excitedly " well... that was weird to say the least, now here's the big question...   should I stay and get a worse beating then I already will, or  should I break the window and escape ..., although the teachers could get suspicious and "farther" might get in even more mad  with the fact I broke a window and now he would have to pay for it.... well... screw it I hate hospitals anyway plus i'm already dead either way.

(Lets just say he decided to just open the window and jump) 

"shiiiit, ima be dead, he's definitely gonna kill me not only was I late but I was also sent to the hospital"  I sighed 

As I dreadfully approached my living quarters I hesitated at the door, " should I open this door?... well there's no use hesitating let's just get this over" I whispered to myself before opening the door..., the first thing I recognized was the strong smell of alcohol and the messed up house.  once I open the door almost  immediately  my "father" grabbed my hair and whispered " bitch your gonna get it now,  not only were you late but you also got sent to the hospital and broke window! do you know how much that cost?!!!" he yelled before slamming the door with his spare hand 

(lets just say that was one of the worst beatings I ever gotten so far)

ok its arthur chan here, so i'm sorry that this chapter was late and short.  I think i'm gonna aim to update once a week since i've been doing that anyway.  and i'm sorry if this chapter isn't the best of quality I kinda didn't have any idea for what to do with this chapter so I kinda just ran with it.  Also there are some easter eggs in here that hint to his future and a bit of his past,  I don't remember how many or where like I said before I kinda just ran with an Idea and did little to no editing, so I think soon ima go back and edit my chapters to make them better quality,  so goodbye until next time and remember to cherish your coffee - Arthur chan 

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