"Shut up," you said. (DreamSMP, Mute!Tommy)

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 "What you don't say now hurts more than what you said before."

Tommy in exile. Dream always punishes him for talking back to him, and Tommy starts cutting down on what he says in order to avoid Dream getting upset. Dream seems happy with his progress, and rewards Tommy for not speaking. Eventually, Tommy is mostly cut down to non-verbal signals, "Please," "sorry," "thank you," and other indicator words.

Tommy stops using indicator words, and mostly just follows orders or smiles and nods. Dream eventually gets frustrated because Tommy won't hold a conversation with him anymore. He tries to beat Tommy into talking, and the only word Tommy has left is 'sorry'. Dream refuses to stop trying to get Tommy to talk again, but it doesn't work.

When Tommy gets back to Techno, Techno is shocked by what's happened to Tommy, but he also doesn't let Tommy use 'sorry' anymore, because Tommy didn't do anything wrong. They tend to communicate in glances and looks anyway, and Tommy stops communicating altogether, except for his face. He doesn't write things down, he doesn't nod or shake his head, he doesn't say anything. Techno is also immediately suspicious of Dream, seeing obviously the psychological effect that Dream had on Tommy, and refuses to ally with him.

When he sees Tubbo again, Tubbo immediately starts pressing him to say something, and that causes Tommy to start flashing back to Dream in exile. He doesn't end up going with Tubbo. 

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