2 ~ R.E.L.I.C.

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Restoration and Research on 






Welcome to R.E.L.I.C.  A special branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. A new branch of S.H.I.E.L.D., that she had had a part in founding.

Her parents extensive and ongoing research of such items, and recent events - cough, Infinity Stones, cough, cough - had spurred forward and launched a professional investigation into such matters, and thus the R.E.L.I.C. agency was born. 

Still in its infancy, the program had only been open  and operating for a few months and still wasn't fully complete, was still being built and founded all while it operated. In fact, it was still a long way from being complete, but there was already so much to research that that part had begun right away. But once it was finished, it was going to be epic, Nora just knew it. It was already looking promising - very promising.  

Don't mind the fancy acronym - what was it with these intelligence agencies and acronyms anyways? It was basically an intelligence agency for special artifacts. An archaeological branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. 

It was a safe space for people to do research on the unexplainable found as certain artifacts and, as the acronym itself suggested, relics. Like her special staff, for example. That fit right in there with all that good stuff, and now, it fit right in here too. Nora was very glad to have a special organization specifically dedicated to these kinds of items, and knew she wasn't the only one, especially since such items seemed to keep popping up all over the place, especially lately within the last few years. There was a whole other world out there that they were becoming aware of, one of magic and wonder, that they had just barely scratched the surface of, a whole knew world for them to discover. 

Speaking of, she herself fit right in there too, not only because of her powers, but because of their area of research, she and her parents. This place had Henry and Jenny Bane's names written all over it, the whole Bane family written all over it. It was sure a good thing her own relationship with archaeology had improved significantly. 

Another perk of this job was that she got to work closely with her parents, in some ways making up for all the time she had lost with them. She was still determined to find out what had happened to them all those years ago to make them disappear as they had, seemingly vanish into thin air. But, now that they were back, part of her wondered if she should just bury that piece of the past and leave it be, while the other part of her was wildly curious. And now that they were actually here again, she could ask them about the research they had been doing right before their vanishing.  She hoped she had access to more answers now, for she was only coming up with more and more questions. 

"Morning Dr. Bane."

"Good morning," she called to her colleagues. 

She and her parents were the heads of this organization. All as doctors of archaeology, they had the qualifications, and her parents had worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. in the past, partnering on missions involving such items as the ones focused on here. 

Hopefully, if they could find and study these objects, there would be less of a chance that they could fall into and end up in the wrong hands - at least that was their hope and what they were striving for.

However, what were the wrong hands exactly? They  could be the wrong hands themselves, they who sought only to research and discover more about these items.  With some of these items, it didn't seem to matter who got a hold of them - they were just so powerful, too powerful. Far too powerful for anyone to have access to them. 

Like the Infinity Stones for example - research on them had absolutely skyrocketed since the Blip, tracing the stones' emergence throughout history and across the world and universe, the whole of the universe, and thanks to the Blip itself it had become abundantly clear what those Stones could do, were capable of, no matter whose hands they fell into. Honestly, Nora was impressed that Earth had managed to survive having at least three Stones on its surface at one time, let alone all six. Talk about extreme power, indeed. 

But all that stuff - drama, as Nora and the other Infinity Gauntlet ladies called it - was over now, over and done with. The Stones were now back in the hands of their rightful owner, the Stonekeeper herself, and everyone who had been snapped away had been brought back. Time to move forward in the new post-Blip world. 

The main R.E.L.I.C. office in the London S.H.I.E.L.D. branch was still fairly empty at this point, not yet filled. So most of the work they were doing right now didn't have much to do with the actual artifacts themselves, but more preparing the organization for receiving those artifacts.  She went over to her desk - her very bare desk - and set down her coat and bag.  Time to start the day.

She had been at work for about an hour when there came a startled cry from one of the other employees. Looking up, her own jaw dropped when she saw a swirling circle of light in the centre of the room, a tall man in blue robes and a red cloak stepping out of the circle, which was a portal.

She knew who that was. 

"Eleanora Bane, I request an audience with you," Stephen Strange announced.

She blinked back.  "Can it wait until my lunch break?"

(Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :))

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