1 ~ New Friend

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New 2018

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New 2018

"Guess who's on their way back to Earth, heading straight for the take-out place?"

"Let me guess, a super hot, badass, Space-girl?"

"You got it!"

Nora chuckled. "Well guess who's lying in bed in only her underwear bathed in candlelight waiting for said Space-girl?" She lowered her voice to a husky whisper. 

"Are you really?!"

She laughed at the excitement clearly in Carol's voice. "Maybe... You're just going to have to get over here and find out."

"I'm flying faster."

Nora laughed. 

"I might just skip the take-out altogether."

"No! I've been craving fried rice!"

Now Carol laughed.  "Don't worry, we won't be skipping this amazing food."

"Good.  And oh, hey Babe, do you think you could stop and pick up some cat food on your way home as well? We're almost out."

"Cat food?"  Now Carol sounded terribly confused. "I mean, I thought you wanted Thai food. But if you really want to have cat food for dinner on our anniversary-"

"No silly! Not for us! I may have made a friend while you were gone... "

"Let me guess, either your new friend has a cat, or your new friend is a cat."

"It would be the latter."

"Did you adopt a cat while I was away at work?"

"Maybe... She was following me around. I think she might be a stray."

"Well, makes sense, I guess, cause witches usually have cats."

Nora rolled her eyes despite Carol not being able to see, although she figured Carol knew she was rolling her eyes. They affectionately  referred to each other as the witch and the alien.

"Yes, very true. Looks like I've found my witch's familiar."

"Sounds like it. Okay, I'm at the restaurant - usual order, right?"

"Yes, with extra fried rice!"

"Of course, always extra rice. Okay, I'll see you soon."

"Bye, can't wait!" The line clicked off and Nora grinned in excitement. She busied herself gathering plates and cutlery for the two of them while waiting for Carol to arrive. 

"Oh Captain my Captain!" Nora called when she opened the door to find Carol standing there, a giant takeaway bag from the restaurant in her arms.

"So no underwear?"

Nora laughed. "Nice to see you too, My Love. Afraid not, at least not yet." She winked.  "But there is candlelight. I do hope you're not too disappointed."

"Come here." Carol tossed the take-away bag onto the counter and opened her arms where Nora promptly jumped into them.

"So where were you this time?" Nora asked, breathless from many reunion kisses.  "Gallifrey, Sontaran, Skaro..."

Carol rolled her eyes. "I'm telling you, those aren't actual real planets, there just from a TV show."

"Are they though?"

"Yes they are."

"Hmmm, see I'm going to prove you wrong about that, one of these days. I'm going to Mythbusters the hell out of this."


Both looked down to see a cat with orange-brown fur rubbing against Nora's legs, begging for attention. 

"So this is the new friend then." Carol knelt down to pet the cat.

"Yup, sure is, this is her. I've been trying to think of a name - what about Chewie?"

"Like Chewbacca?"


"I like it. And they have similar coloring in their fur, so it's fitting." 

"That's what I thought. And then we have her Halloween costume all figured out!"

"Oh, I'm sure she'll love that. Well, welcome to the family, Chewie." Carol held out her hand for the cat to sniff.  The cat, Chewie now, hesitated, looking up at the blonde. Then she slowly came forward, hesitantly almost, to brush her nose against Carol's extended hand.

"Yes, Chewie, that's Mama Carol," Nora said. "She's making sure you're good enough for me," she then joked to Carol.

"You two have become that close since I've been gone?"

"Oh yes, haven't we, Chewie Baby." Nora cooed and scooped up the cat, rocking her back and forth. Chewie didn't seem to mind, in fact, she seemed to rather be enjoying herself and Nora's constant attention. 

"Well, now that I'm home-" Also eager for Nora's attention, Carol held up their takeaway dinner in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.  "Let's get this anniversary party started!"

They ate enough to make themselves close to bursting and amazingly enough still had some leftovers to spare. 

"Well, here's to us, Space-girl." Nora said, raising her glass - another glass - of wine.

"You said it Doc. To us." Carol winked before touching her glass to Nora's. 

"Happy anniversary, Love."

"Happy anniversary, Baby. Right back at you."

"One year - one whole, full year."

They each took a sip and then came together for a giggle-filled and wine-tasting kiss.  

"Ahh," Nora sighed contentedly.  "I'm really glad you're back."

Carol smiled down at her as she lay her head in the blonde's lap.  "Me too." 

The evening ended with Carol scooping up a sleepy Nora and carrying upstairs to bed. 

"What? You and Chewie having a staring contest?" Nora asked the next morning when she awoke, rubbing the sleep from her eyes and finding her girlfriend and their cat in the midst of an intense staring match. 

"She won't stop staring at me like that - I have a funny feeling about this cat," was all Carol said before snuggling back in bed next to Nora. 

(Haha Nora saying "Are they though?" about the Doctor Who planets has the same energy as Thor saying "Is he though?" about when Bruce said he was powerful and useful too like Hulk in Ragnarok! ;)

And  Carol has a cat named Chewie in the comics so that's where this Chewie comes from! 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed ! :))

The Witch and the Space-Girl - Carol Danvers/Captain MarvelWhere stories live. Discover now