chapter 6: d-94

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"My curiosity towards you had
turned into interest, day by day...
without me even realising it."

<If It Is You - Jung Seung Hwan>

Time passed.

Taehyung was now a few months into therapy and the symptoms were slowly beginning to set in. Some days were alright, when he had a good appetite and had decent energy levels and all... but some days were terrible. From waking up and finding chunks of hair in his bed in the morning to throwing up the little food he tried to swallow... Taehyung hated those days.

And this particular day, was one of those days.

It was early in the morning when Taehyung stirred in his sleep and eventually awoke in cold sweat. He was trembling as he pulled the blanket over him some more, trying to fall asleep once more. Next to him, through squinted eyes, Taehyung could see Jennie and Hyeyoung lying on the sofa, completely fast asleep. Namjoon sat in a chair nearby, supposedly keeping watch.. but he, too, was fast asleep.

Letting out an exhausted groan, Taehyung tried his best to prop himself up in his bed. He squinted at the clock by his bed. It was already 2am in the morning.


Taehyung almost jumped out of his skin as he heard someone hiss at him right next to his bed. He lifted up a pillow instinctively, to protect himself from whoever this intruder was in his room.


Taehyung blinked a few times, trying to get used to the dark as his eyes landed on the familiar feminine figure standing by his bed.

"Kim... Jisoo...?"

"Yeah, it's me-" Jisoo ducked and held her arms up defensively, pouting as she pointed at the pillow in Taehyung's hands. "Can you put that down now...?"

With a laboured sigh, Taehyung let go of the pillow in his hands at once and crashed back down onto his bed.

"Hey, you okay...?"

Taehyung turned away, pulling the sheets a little over his head, in hopes that Jisoo could not see him.

"Why...? What's wrong...?" Jisoo only inched closer to him as he distanced himself from her. "Are you uncomfortable...? Do you need-"

"Go, Kim Jisoo-" Taehyung swallowed hard, as he tried to deal with the agony on his own. "You shouldn't even be here at this hour... you should leave."

"No, I'm fine, but you-" Jisoo leaned over Taehyung's bed, trying to get a closer look of him. "Are you okay...? Can you just look at me for a second...? I just want to make sure you-"

"I-" Taehyung's voice broke, as a lump formed in his throat. "I... I don't want you to see me in my current state, Jisoo-ya."

His hair had fallen quite a bit, he probably smelt like puke... and he was in cold sweat. Sure, even if he could deal with his agony, he didn't want anyone to see him in the state he currently was in.

Especially... not her.

It was silent for a while, as Jisoo tried to take in whatever Taehyung had just said to her. Taehyung lay in bed, turned away from Jisoo, unable to imagine the look on her face in that moment, but curious about what she was going to say next.

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