chapter 12: d-14

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"The mind can forget...
but the heart never will."

<Words of My Heart - Kim Yeonji>

For a whole month following the time Jisoo woke up from her coma, she tried her best to accept the truth and move on, just like what Dr Min had advised her to do. After all, what was left of her memories of the past few months... they made absolutely no sense.

Everyone around her, ever since she bad woken up, had insisted that she had been in a coma for the past six whole months... but somehow, weirdly enough, Jisoo simply couldn't wrap her mind around that fact. It felt as if she had run a whole marathon, but yet at the finishing line, everyone told her that she had been seated right there the whole time. It was a feeling that was difficult to describe, but Jisoo - no matter how hard she tried - couldn't remember.

And no matter how cynical Jisoo was of Dr Min's words, who on earth did Jisoo think she was to be able to refute the words of a skilled, experienced medical professional? Seokjin may have put it across rather bluntly to her, but his words held some truth. What did she really think she was doing? Running around the entire hospital when her body remained lying there in her bed all along? That made no sense at all, even to Jisoo - yet she simply couldn't shake that nasty feeling from her gut, the egging feeling that kept whispering to her that she might be right.

And with every single day that passed, every night, Jisoo would look up at the sky and gaze at the galaxy of stars, admiring the beauty of the marvellous night sky. After all, the sky was her only source of comfort in the past, because she felt like the blinking lights of the stars in the sky was like a sign from her parents that they were watching her from up there, where they were.

But ever since waking up from her coma, even the night sky was unable to calm the unnerving emotions in Jisoo's heart. Every night, she looked up at the sky and felt a pang in a heart she herself could never understand. She always felt something so strong and so powerful and the stars, if anything, only made her feel more and more restless. Every night after Seokjin went to bed, Jisoo's tears fell non-stop.

Her heart ached, and it wasn't an aching that could be described with words. Jisoo had never felt a aching in her heart so painless yet uncomfortable before, and it truly terrified her. The only word that came close would probably be... 'suffocating'. And things finally reached a climax slightly over a month later, when Jisoo finally collapsed in her own puddle of tears, clutching on tight to her upper left chest.

Seokjin found her within seconds, and she was immediately rushed to the hospital... the very same hospital.

Jisoo finally came to, later on that night.

It was truly a frightening experience for Jisoo, to wake up in the hospital six months after being in a coma, go home for a month only to be admitted once again for complications. As such, when Jisoo finally woke up and found herself back in the hospital bed, she was terrified, to say the least.


Just as Jisoo was scanning the room for Seokjin, the door opened.


It wasn't Seokjin, but the nurse.

"Oh, good evening, Jisoo-ssi," the nurse greeted her politely with a smile. "You're finally awake."

Jisoo stared at her blankly. "Where's my oppa?"

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