Chapter 7- my light

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TW: Crippling amounts of gay

George's POV

I woke up with a sigh. I was warm, but it was dark, and I assumed I was under a blanket or something. But when I rubbed my eyes and started to sit up- I couldn't. There was a pressure on my body, stopping me from going anywhere. If I hadn't just woken up, I would have panicked, but luckily without the worry of a usual me I had the sense to look down and realise the thing restricting my movement was, slightly alarmingly, an arm wrapped around my waist. One that happened to be Clay's. Now I panicked slightly, but tried to just process what was going on. 

Annnd then I remembered what happened. "oh shit," I whisper-yelled, quickly scolding myself for being so loud. Okay, calm down. Think  about your surroundings. Think about him.

And OH I did.

He held me gently but firmly, my back pressed against his chest. Our height difference combined with the way I was curled up on my side meant my head was level with his heart, and I could hear it beating evenly. The sound filled my mind, calming me almost to sleep; then he moved slightly, and groaned deep in his throat. My belly erupted in butterflies, but I shoved this feeling down and turned to look up at his just-open eyes. 

"Morning green man"

"Hi there shortie" His voice was husky from sleep, and I felt a blush creep it's way onto my cheeks.

"I'm....I'm average height-" I started defiantly but he just chuckled.

"Yeah, for a bottom." I gasped and he grinned, the usual dimple appearing on his left cheek.


 Half-lidded eyes stared into mine, and I could do nothing but stare back. He giggled slightly, adjusting his grip on my waist. A sudden feeling of overwhelming care and affection crashed over me, and I felt the tears before I could stop them. 

What the heck??? Why am I crying?!?

Of course, Clay noticed, and changed from a light smirk to a concerned frown as he pulled me into his chest.

"D-did I say something wrong?" His voice was confused, and I chuckled slightly through a small sob.

"No, y-*hic* you stupid piece of shit, *hic*, you just g-got me all emotional by being sweet, you asshole" I laughed now, the wet on my cheeks contrasting intensely to the warm feeling I had inside of my body. At this statement Clay laughed unsurely, pulling away from me and staring into my eyes.

"It's really that much of an event for you? Getting love from someone?" The question caught me off-guard, and I was quiet for a while before replying. He waited, still staring into my fucking SOUL. 

"Yeah, I guess so. I'm not- I'm not that good with some stuff, so a lot of people get bored quickly, I think. There's not really anyone back home who cares enough to give know, to me."

At this he cocked his head, frowning slightly and stroking the back of my knuckles with his thumb. 

"Well I love you." I felt my face heat up and my heart beat faster, even though I knew he meant it completely platonically. I just tilted my chin down and looked at his large hand wrapped around mine.

"Yeah...I, um- thank you."

(555 words)

Ok I know this chapter is SUPER short, it's really just a filler but it was like 4am when I was writing it and there are longer ones coming up. I'm so sorry for the length of it. More coming today, if you're reading this I love you.

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